Chapter 38 The second attempt



I watched then leave, and I stood at the window for a while. He made me so confused. I was certain he would harm me physically, but he didn’t do that. Actually, he was quite nice compared to his attitude. The worst was I could calm down completely in his arms. He became the only one who comforted me, but I was scared of him and had feelings for him at the same time. He was my buyer and my prisoner, and still I was into him so much it hurt me to see him leaving with her.

I sat down on the floor, then I lowered my head, crying quietly. I was sure he was going to ban me from ice skating, and probably I could forget about going out as well.

I regretted what I did, but I still hoped someone would have paid attention to me, and someone would help me get out of here.

When I’ve got no more tears to cry, I moved on the sofa. Hours passed, and it was dark outside already. It seemed like he would sleep in his parents” house. With Gemma. After he kept me in his arms, somehow it hurt me more to think that she would sleep next to him, while she would try to make him hurt me. And she would be in his arms, and they would be together. She would satisfy him, “Stop it, Alice.” I shook my head, and I tried to push these thoughts away.

He didn’t say that I had to stay in my room, but probably he meant that, I felt hungry, but I didn’t dare to go down. After a while I just laid down on the sofa, hugged myself and I just watched the walls.

at they were watching me.

knew I couldn’t leave the city. Last time, I thought I

got up and went to the window, I looked around and I could see a car. That was Sam. He indeed watched the house, but I could see no one

my dreams? I lost those already. And if I don’t try, I don’t give myself a chance at all. I

I clenched my fist, closed my eyes. Taking a lot of stuff would slow me down, so I only grabbed my money. I don’t know how I got the guts, but

I got to the kitchen, I slammed the storage room door, and I checked the walls by knocking on them in different places. They were solid, so I ran out, and I went to the living room. It took me a long time, but I couldn’t find anything. I slipped down on the floor, leaning against the wall, breathing heavy. “Think, Alice.” I told to myself then I remembered the gym in the basement. That was a hidden room. Probably, the last that people would find in the house. I ran down there. I looked

light material. I looked around, and I took a weight, then

needed to smile when I saw a hidden door behind it. It was locked, but I didn’t give up. I hit it with the weight. I sweated, and I felt

ran down on it, even if it was so dark and long. I didn’t know what I would find in the end, if I ever would reach it, but I didn’t

I was out, I happily realised that I was completely out of

one knew I left the house, so I could go to the train station. I searched the directions on my phone, so I thought I would get there easily. It was a long way, but I got here meeting no familiar face. The next train went to

chest when I saw a few men in suits watching me. I was scared and I started panting. I knew I had to get out of here as soon as possible. That was my only chance. I went out of the station and walked with the others, trying to disappear into the crowd. I looked back, and I noticed those men followed

into an alleyway between two buildings. I tried to get free desperately, and shouted, but I

there was nothing

17:57 PM


tried to get free, but he was so strong, I couldn’t manage. I felt that was the end.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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