Chapter 39 Heartless me

I lifted her up into my arms and kissed her cheek.

“She couldn’t come. She is really sorry. You will see her next time.”

“Let me go.” she shouted.

What she did after surprised all of us. She punched into my chest, and she wanted to break free of my hug, so I had no choice but to let her go. She stood opposite me and shouted at me.

“Where is she?”

I didn’t know what to do. Gemma stepped to her and squatted down. She tried to comfort her, but she pushed her away with incredible power, making her sitting in the grass.

“Leave me alone.” She shouted. Seth came to us and held her, but she tried to get free from her dad’s hug as well. I helped Gemma to get up.

“Let me go, where is Alice?” she shouted, and she cried. Seth had a meaningful look at me while he held Ava in his arms. This time, she let herself be held by his dad and he tried to calm her down.

“She just couldn’t come, love.” Seth tried to comfort her daughter, but the sit just came after that. The little girl leaned her head against his dad’s

chest, and she looked at me.

“You, you don’t like her, you don’t let her be with me.” She cried.

d I say to

What could I say to that? She only told the truth. Well, half of it. I moved closer, I caressed her cheeks.

“Ava, I promise you, you can see her. She is fine, but she really couldn’t come today. If you’ll be a good girl, I promise you, you can see her tomorrow. How is that?” I whispered into her ear, as I didn’t want Gemma to hear that.

Looking into her teary eyes, I could see she didn’t trust me, which I hated to see.

She looked at me for a little while, then she spoke finally.

“Will you promise?” she asked.

first, who





away, and she just hugged her

all. After stepping to her, I caressed her back, and I folded my arms around her waist to lead her to the table. Lpulled a chair out for her to sit down, which surprised

Alice again. I took my phone under the table, and I

down, and she looked horrible, but she was fine. That hurt me more

night, but she was so clingy. I didn’t know how

My family started chatting, and they mentioned Alice many times, I knew their intention. They wanted Gemma to feel unconsfortable. When they talked about Alice’s kindness and beauty, I had enough, I stood up and motioned Gemma to do the same.

have to go now. Thank

leave. It’s a family event. You can’t be out of it,” my mum said, with a hint of disappointment

after Gemma put her palm on my shoulder. She thought I was doing this for her, and she wanted to comfort me, but what I

Chapter 39 Heartless me

was to rush

want to be together, but don’t forget you

about that. I still

to do and…”

Alice, I might forgive you. You should have brought her here today. She probably feels bad. You took her home, when we could celebrate her beautiful performance.

see Gemma

her what she deserved, so

and I could kill her, when everyone’s attention

fooled me, and I don’t

all. Especially Leah. She stood up and left the table. She played

to Ava,

me,” Sloane said with obvious anger in her voice, after she stood up as well.

felt terrible, but I had to continue the game. I only hoped

and that is an order.” My dad said, and it made me feel worse than I was. Gemma

I mostly had my phone in my hand. I texted Sam to check on Alice, going out to the toilet every

back from her nap, bringing her mum and Sloane back solved the problem. She wanted to play football. Me, Seth, my dad and Sloane joined her, and we had a good time. but even if


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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