Chapter 131

I was raised by a frustrated woman along with five other girls..

We were raised in a Pack called the Red–Eyes. It was far away from civilization and far away from the rest of the world. Surrounded by towering mountains and dense forest, it was almost untouched. Red–Eyes Pack only had relations with a few other packs surrounding us. Right in the middle of the pack, we were raised to be a lot of things.

Except for being a mate.

Instead, each year, one girl is given out in marriage to a man and this year, it was my turn. We were told the idea of finding your mate was outdated and unrealistic. It is better to find happiness in whoever you’re betrothed to.

“I know you’re probably very excited”

My sister, Ella, whispered into my car as we walked along the road with the basket of fruit I would drop off at my betrothed’s place.

“Yes, I am.” I laugh through the uneasy feeling in my heart.

Something was missing! Something wasn’t right! A part of me felt indifferent about the wedding and everything in general. Ever since I was a child, I’d looked forward to getting matched with someone from the pack. I’d always looked into the crowd and wondered who I would be spending the rest of my life with. Il end up giggling with excitement because I couldn’t wait to experience life with this person

One time, a girl had been betrothed to an older man and I prayed that it wouldn’t be the same case for me.

When I was finally betrothed to Luke, the Park’s chief only son, I wasn’t as excited as I’d thought I would be. It wasn’t as though I didn’t have feelings for Luke. I’d been in love with him since I was a child and he was very important to me,

It was as though a part of me was missing and I couldn’t find it anywhere. Ella believed it was because Luke and I used to be at each other’s throats when we were kids and that we’d learn to love each other as we grow in our union.

“Anabelle tried talking down on you yesterday. She said you didn’t deserve Luke,”

I groaned. I’d have enough of Anabelle already in the pack. “Is that why you got into a fight with her?”

I asked.

“She kept saying trash,”

I cocked my eyebrow at her. “Do you believe her words? Do you believe I don’t deserve Luke?”

She shook her head. “No, he’s the one who’s lucky to have you as his betrothed,”

“Good! Ignore them,”


Just as w

as we reached the corners I’d take to Luke’s house, Ella stopped me

“You love him, right?”

I shook my head. “I like him. I respect him. I adore him, I cherish him, my heart knows he’s mine and I believe one day, it’ll grow to love,”

she grinned. “Now, I have to get this to Mother. We don’t want

Mother was what we called the woman who raised the

promise to get you out of that house once I

nodded. 171 look forward to it. Tomorrow night is your big day. Don’t stay

She warned.

Yes, Mom.

me a dark

were the same age but I was given a birthday month earlier than her so that explained why I was getting engaged

Chapter 131

I was welcomed with an eerie, dark silence. It was disturbing

sound that greeted me was the low, haunting creak of the wooden floor

called out but I got no response. I moved towards his

ife stuck dee

and I

deep into his chest.

basket of fruit in my hand dropped and I ran to his side. He was struggling to breathe. I knelt down beside

“Luke, look at me.

deep breath. He was still alive. Even though I was panicking. I’d

Situations like this.


moved his hand up and caressed my chin.

help, please please don’t close your

Just as my eyes moved to the knife, and recognition

the faces yet when I

was Luke’s Mom. She rushed to his side and pushed

did you do to him? What did you do to my

dumbstruck. I

“I didn‘

almost bursting

your knife, Just then, the pack’s

knife, the same one, Mother had gifted to me two years ago along with the four

would pay for this the

I struggled to get up from my seat. “I didn’t do it I didn’t hurt him. I came in

her. Throw her in the dungeons and let

The Chief commanded

grabbed by the security and dragged out of the house. Ella was already by the door

I cried out

touching me but she was pushed

few seconds, I was thrown

was there for three

me Mother didn’t want me back in the house even if I was released. As for Luke, he was still in a coma. The knife was laced with wolfbane poison and it hit his femoral artery. The doctors don’t believe he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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