Chapter 132

Rowan’s POV

The cigarette between my fingers burned bright as I stared at the ceiling waiting for the woman between my knees to stop. She’s been there for more than thirty minutes and I was beginning to get bored.

She was burping her head as she took in my hard, long length in her filthy mouth as if her life depended on it. I had no reaction, it wasn’t my first time, and I was no teenager to start moaning at the feel of her mouth.

No woman had ever gotten a reaction out of me since the day I found out what the word sex meant. The women I’d been with thought of it as abnormal, but to me, it wasn’t anything unusual.

“You have until this cigarette burns out and trust me, it’s close.” I warned her with a reminder.

She hummed against my manhood, as she couldn’t respond with a sentence since her mouth was full. She was one of the women in my rogue pack, I don’t select my sluts, they come to me willingly and I don’t sleep with them, and neither do I take two women at a time. Once I’m bored with one, I move to the other. I’ve never had to chase after a woman all my life and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Some said when you meet your mate, you throw your principles away and just embrace them but I believe that won’t be my case. I’m too traumatized to let any woman into my heart.

The cigarette burned close to my fingers and I dropped it to the floor. She removed her mouth and stared with disappointment on her face. 1 grabbed her by the throat and brought her mouth closer to mine. Just when she thought I would kiss her, I whispered in her ear. “Get out, “Yes, Alpha

seem to remember which one it was,

She grabbed her clothes and walked out of the room. Her name was Cynthia or Cindy. I can’t seem to re

I also grabbed my pants as I looked for the box of cigarettes in my room so I could light another one. I wasn’t a smoker, I only love the smell of

-னாட் cigarettes. 1 lit the cigarette and placed it in the corner of the dark room.

Suddenly, a voice charged through the mindlink. It was one of the chief warriors positioned at the borders.

“What is this, Hadlin?” I groaned. It was close to midnight, so whatever it was should better be important.

have some people at the borders asking for refuge. You told me to inform you if something of such

my way,

the Rogue god and I swear that I don’t f*cking hate it. My father was the werewolf king and I was supposed to be his

all perish with their opinions about me and I wouldn’t bat

head through a wall than go back to that filthy place. The tattoos on my body covered the scar that told the story

would regret this, Rowan,” my father

I had told him. So far, I haven’t regretted anything other than not walking out

wouldn’t sit still and watch me tarnish the royal image and I was ready for whatever they were bringing. That is why I’ve been extra careful with whoever I receive into my pack these past

the guards stationed at my door followed me, I turned to stare down at them and they bowed before retreating back to

Mika, walked towards me. She was a

are you off

The Borders,

“New refugees!”


Chapter 139

at what she usually called them. Mika fitted my type of person perfectly. She was meticulous yet insane. Slow to anger yet deadly. She was exactly what I wanted in a Beta but since we


always gives

careful Alpha. Is anything the

rest to sit back and watch

father was also an Elder in the palace serving my father. Mika and I grew up together until I decided to move out of the palace. Two years later,

but I’m sure they know better

that doesn’t

trust you with my life, she assured me. “But leave this kind of thing to me.

like a

a lady, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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