Chapter 285: 120. There’s a big difference in restraint 2

Philia pointed to the ground and said:

“Over there, in the direction, I’m pointing, on the 13th floor underground, in the central area, there are some Black Bone Hermits. There are four of them in total. One is a third-level Black Bone Hermit and three are first-level Black Bone Hermits. There are also at least 20 armed alchemy slaves…”

“Did you see them using the ‘Elemental Vision’?,” Noland Lee asked, pretending to be surprised, even though he already knew the answer.

“Yes. My mentor gave me an ‘Elemental Vision Magic Scroll’. The magic vision can probably last for a little over an hour.” Philia gently touched her chin and said:

“However, the ‘Elemental Vision’ can only help me see the number of enemies, it can’t determine the strength of the enemies. Hickman Arlington backed out at the last minute and sold me some information. He told me that among the people below, there’s a third-level Black Bone Hermit, a guy named Young


Noland Lee pretended to ponder for a moment and then said after a second:

“I see. Hickman Arlington is a traitor, right? He found out that you can use the ‘Elemental Vision’, got cold feet, and sold out the Black Bone Hermit as a way to gain your forgiveness. Where is he now? Did you let him go?”

Philia sighed helplessly and said:

“Sigh, you’re right in your guess. I could only let him go. Magic Law No. 6 has a powerful binding force on us, the Wizard Advancement Association’s subordinates in magic institutions. Hickman Arlington did betray us, but he stopped in time and didn’t cause substantial damage.

“For this kind of wild wizard with ill intentions but who hasn’t actually damaged the interests of the magic institution, our Elemental Judgment can only let him leave and cannot forcibly detain him or punish him. Otherwise, the Wizard Council will send the wizard enforcers…”

Enforcers…” Noland Lee slightly

of the Wizard Council – that was knowledge from Greenshaw, but it was limited to the Council’s functions—coordinating faction relationships, arbitrating wizard-related events, resolving faction disputes, and

for whatever refined organizations that are under the Wizard Council,

definitely rang an alarm

He has a premonition…

Council knows that he, a fake magician, has erased a legitimate magician, it will definitely trigger a life and death pursuit. Now that he thought about it, he seemed to be a bit too fearless… An imposter “Sleeping

stealing the core knowledge of a non-owned

hiding the true identity

legal wandering

come after him, Lee does not think he will surrender,

the Wizard Council’s decision to


became more vigilant, he also felt a bit eager

a powerful magic institution is more

hardcore player, the bigger the predicament, the higher the

careful enough, he can definitely live until the day when he has the capital to

he might as well go back to the Suffering Borderland and

Philia’s arrangement. “I want to assign you to the 14th floor underground, which is the floor below the nest


area of the demon rat nest occupies the 11th to the 13th floors of Sector 8 underground. These three floors do not have vertical shaft entrances. If the Black Bone hermits want to withdraw, they must move

Hermit on the 14th floor underground, and leave the fighting in the primary battlefield to me and others. What do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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