Chapter 286: 120. There’s a big difference in restraint

Noland Lee touched his nose, smiling awkwardly yet politely.

You must be dreaming if you think I’ll give back the money I’ve earned, hmph, even if you are a beautiful witch with a great figure.

This must be Philia’s bargaining tactic.



Seeing Noland Lee remaining indifferent and maintaining a courteous smile, Philia glanced at him with a hint of resentment:

..lf you had agreed to help from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been robbed by Hickman Arlington…”

Noland Lee continued to smile without saying anything.

“Sister, I’ve processed all the soul fragments.” Betty Davis ran over with a crystal in her arms.

Philia composed herself, placed the crystal filled with soul fragments into the alchemy stone, and turned to call her team members together.

After some arrangements, Noland Lee and a ten-person security team set out. They left the Underground Layer 10, passed through the neighboring Sector 9, and headed to the Underground Layer 14 in Sector 8.

In the frontline battle, Philia’s side had one Second Ring Wizard, four First Rank Wizards, and 30 armed security personnel.

Philia was the only Second Ring Wizard. Betty was one of the four First Rank Wizards, and the other three First Rank Wizards were also female and about the same age as Betty.

Don’t think they are weak because of their gender.

not have mastered an extraordinary branch of knowledge in addition to the

alchemy weaponry, transforming them

waved her hand, and a handful of light orbs were taken out from the alchemy stone and scattered on the

out five control gloves, distributed them to the four First

alchemical constructs. Their left hands were gloved for

seen that this group of delicate-looking female

and the armed security personnel arrived at Floor 14 Underground and set up a blockade beneath

other weapons; they built a firepower net

also deployed electric shock traps and directional explosive alchemy land

tightly guarded with no gaps for

the Blackbone Hermit had invincibility all the way, they would take

the Elemental Judgement succeed in encircling and


– just the blockade to intercept the enemy was

have to go through the 14th underground

they blasted open the nest walls of the 13th underground layer on both sides and left from the adjacent

of the demonized rats was indeed a Sage

Space could be seen as a container

the container would be beaten by the Great Sages. With the power of the Sages, the

long gone; no one could prevent the Sage Space from being destroyed, and no one could repair the damage

unconventional route, break horizontally through

one loophole Noland Lee

was just a hired hand in this matter; it wasn’t his

given her meticulous thinking and the intellectual training she had received, she should have considered

and knew the strategy of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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