Chapter 287: 120. There’s a big difference in restraint_4

The whistle sound ended quickly, but the ensuing ringing in everyone’s ears continued to echo in their heads.

Not only that, but it also set off a wave of collective frenzy among the demon rats.

All the demon rats simultaneously grew hair, expanded in size, muscles twisted, their eyes turning red and glowing.

Their black spiral tails extended twice as long, like dark venomous snakes writhing on the ground.

A sea of rats swarmed towards Philia and the others, surrounding them without any blind spots in all directions.

Noland Lee stared intently at the battlefield above him.

To his astonishment, he found that the vast swarm of rats was stopped five meters away from the group.

It was as if an air wall several meters wide appeared between the swarm of rats and the team.

Bullets rained down, guns roared, and energy beams swept across the horde of rats.

Dozens of bright red bouquets of light exploded in the magic vision created by “Life and Death Tracking”.

The overwhelming momentum of the rat swarm was daunting, but they could only be held back by the power of magic on the outskirts of the group, their lives reaped by alchemy firearms and elemental magic.

Noland couldn’t help but think about how he would deal with the frenzied rat swarm.

Would he cast the “Bone Spirit Flight Technique” and turn into a flying skull to escape?

Or use the “Magic Shield” to resist damage and wait for an opportunity to use the “Evil Blast”?

couldn’t remain as calm

to isolate the enemy at a safe distance was one

a Wizard, I still have a

aside his distracting thoughts and immersed himself entirely

see… where are those

carefully searching the

astounding, filling the entire den

walls, stone pillars,

several human-shaped silhouettes in the red

throwing deconstruction spells at these black


his target for deconstruction was the ceiling of the underground layer 14, not the Blackbone

and corpses clearly marked by “Life and Death Tracking” in the “Magic Vision” could be considered targets

maintaining his

his gaze slightly and targeted several red outlines next to

launch a Deconstruction

indeed in the center of the third layer of the nest, hiding behind the frenzied

the corpses of demon rats and instantly kill the Blackbone Hermits and Armed Alchemy Slaves is a viable method. But

the location of the ‘Evil Blast’ to somewhere else… like on the escape route the Blackbone Hermits have to take from the battlefield.” Noland looked

to 20 of Sector 8 in a

underground layers 1 to 14 to develop resources in the demon rat nests, neglecting the management of underground layers 15 and beyond. There were more aberrations in the

the aberrations on the 15th to 20th floors in advance and create some

his ambush plan, a strange sight appeared in the magic vision of “Life and Death

at the vertical edge of the magic vision, a group of elite

into the sky, seemingly summoning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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