Chapter 295: 121. River of the Mind 6

If you are on the other side, you become a part of it.

Only on your own boat of the mind can you truly be yourself.

[Reading Requirements] None

You have obtained this book through harmless deconstruction, and the system has stripped all reading requirements.

[Knowledge in the Book]

Common knowledge of Mental Magic, including an introduction to common mental spells.

Five spell blueprints with defects:

Mind Control, Mental Vision, Mind Beacon, Mental Shield, Perception Obstruction.

There are quite a few mental magic spells in the magic book, which makes Noland Lee’s eyes dazzle.

Theoretically, as long as he is willing to consume Energy Points, he can change his profession to a mental wizard on the spot.


Noland Lee opens each spell blueprint and carefully reads the panel information of the spells, discovers a very awkward place.

The completeness of these spell blueprints is only 10% to 25%.

When Noland Lee used Harmless Deconstruction on “Martyrdom Ten Commandments – Outline,” the spell blueprints he obtained were also incomplete. The defects of these death-related spells are usually increased casting consumption, shortened spell duration, or unupgradeable spells.

As for “The Third Shore” book, all the spells on it have a defect that significantly reduces the casting effect.

The higher the completeness of the spell blueprint, the higher the actual casting effect.

To give an example.

“Perception Obstruction.”

Noland Lee is very familiar with the mental magic effect, as it can reduce the target’s perception range, such as limiting the field of view.

A defect-free Level 1 “Perception Obstruction” can reduce the target’s perception range by 10%.

A Level 1 “Perception Obstruction” with only 10% completeness can only reduce the target’s perception range by 1%.

Isn’t that too insignificant?

Noland Lee has to level up the 10% completeness “Perception Obstruction” to

be on par with a 100% completeness

defect of the mental spell blueprint a bit too

feels a

teaching content of “The Third

flash of realization shines in his

what’s going

He misunderstood the system.

didn’t do

spell blueprints should only

is very

manipulates the

of the same effect on the

inherent backlash of mental magic, and ordinary mental

to use their own minds as weapons to attack other people’s

on the shield. At the same time, the more damage there will be to the blade of the

breaks during the stabbing process, it means that the caster

attack and defense of the mental realm perfectly illustrate the saying, “the force of action

below 25%, but actually, it has helped Noland Lee remove

avoid the backlash effect of casting mental magic and

I have

his head, and all his

spell blueprints in the book again, becoming more and more satisfied with the results of this harmless

the idea of learning mental magic immediately and calls out the third harmless

Mind Mask (Item Level

called “Mental Mask” is that mask

connection with the

magic blueprint, the mental

“Mind Beacon”.

of the “Mind Beacon,” allowing Noland Lee to cast mental magic towards them

the “Mind Beacon” is only

complete “Perception Obstruction” on the 10% complete “Mind Beacon,”


10% = 1% He didn’t

“Ah, this.”

taken aback, stunned by

of magic materials to make, and most of these materials are things I’ve never even heard of. I will have to put in a lot of effort to make it. But in the end, the practical effect

to find

waved his hand, sweeping the

River of Mind: Volume One” intently,

led Betty Davis and the other Elemental Wizards onto the steam locomotive returning to

Philia gave the order to disperse, telling Betty and the

castle on the

dust was flying chaotically in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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