Chapter 296: 122. Reward and Participation

“The reward from Iron Thorn Shield is 100,000 Union Coins.

“The task deposit from Cat Society is 100,000 Union Coins. The remaining reward to be given after the task’s completion is 300,000 Union Coins.

“The spoils of war that I confiscated on the third underground level include 24 revolvers, 15 shotguns, 6 alchemy bombs, and 5 grenades. The quality of these items is quite low, with item levels of only three or four. In the game, they would be considered basic weapons at most. Well, I’ll sell them all to Iron Thorn Shield…

Inside the Alchemy Room of the long-term rented Alchemy Club “One-to-One Exchange”.

Now it’s noon the day after Spray Powder Day.

Early this morning, all the metallic dust in the city was completely collected, and the residents resumed their normal activities.

The members of the various factions who had been squatting in the underground waterway area also ended their tasks.

After Noland Lee left the underground, he slept for a while in the single cottage provided by the Iron Thorn Shield.

After eating and sleeping enough, he couldn’t wait to come to the club to count his loot.

He dumped the contents of his backpack on the large workbench, took out paper and pen, and appraised his spoils one by one, tallying up his harvest during Spray Powder Day.

Without even having to calculate, one could easily see that the main source of income came from Philia’s task rewards.

The next biggest reward came from guarding the Iron Thorn Shield’s territory on the Third Underground Level.

Not much money could be squeezed out of those ordinary gang members.

As for the alchemists of the Gang Sect, they had already been informed about Noland Lee’s pending duty to guard the Iron Thorn Shield’s territory. They didn’t show up during Spray Powder Day and just stayed obediently in their own territories.

Only those not-so-bright, ordinary gang members, who are focused solely on making money, would be blinded by their interests and end up delivering themselves to their deaths at Noland’s guarded areas.

full of supplies and left the club to exchange money with Kent from

he pushed a trolley full of alchemy materials back into the alchemy room and

Ground,” Noland decided to place his own “surveillance cameras” throughout

used a combination of “Pure Bone Card” and “Enslavement of Deceased”



of Mind: Volume

magic textbook, there is such a

[Name] Mind View

1, can be upgraded up to Level

[Comprehensiveness] 25%


of the target’s real vision range. During the effect of this


target must meet the following

a mind or be affected by a


target becomes aware of the spell’s existence, the spell

progresses, the target’s chances of discovering the spell

level, the target will certainly be able to “immediately discover” the existence of

at the magic panel, you might not know

it yourself, and you’ll know

and selected a silly bird idling on the eaves to

view in front of Noland changed from his own perspective to that

silly bird could

if the bird had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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