They laughed, then Pierre kissed her. "I'll be going now. Take care of yourself. And don't push yourself, get it?”

She nodded.

"I love you, honey." He hugged her tightly. Oh, how he wished he didn't have to let go, but he had to.

"You should go now, or you'll be late." She pushed him away. Selena knew it'd be hard for him to leave if they kept it up.

"See you." He let her go and turned around. Selena didn't go after him, or she'd want to hold him again. Pierre looked up after he went down, and he saw Selena by the window, seeing him off. He waved at her, but she pulled the curtains down. Once he was out of sight, she let her tears flow.

It was a sleepless night for Selena. Her mind was in a mess, for all she could think of was the mission Pierre had to take.

Juniper woke up early the next morning, and she quickly came to see Selena. "I had a dream last night, Mommy. Daddy bought a giant teddy bear for me! Hey, where's Daddy?"


he got me a teddy bear, so I came to look."

won't make it in time

"Oh, so that's why we were wearing the new clothes yesterday.

Juniper. "Your daddy's a hero, Juniper. He's going to

Daddy really

daddy's the best daddy in the whole world. Let's wait for

Juniper nodded.

They weren't close to him anyway, so it didn't matter if he was there or not. Even though Pierre wasn't around

the festival. It was busy, but they had fun. On the festival's eve Selena took the kids to see the gala for a bit before giving them the sparklers. The kids hopped around happily when the fireworks

into the darkness forever. Unbidden, she thought about Pierre, wondering where he

a red envelope each on the first day of the festival, and the servants received a big bonus. Selena even prepared some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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