Selena wanted to stay at home with the kids, but she remembered that Helen would take part in the ball every year. All the business tycoons and their wives would be there too. It might look like a simple ball, but it would decide how the business world would work for the year.

Since Pierre was absent, she was responsible for Fowler Group, Empire Group, and her own company. She had to go no matter what. The invitation was extended to her and Pierre, but since he wasn't around, she went alone..

The ball was held at Regalia Hotel. At the moment, Selena was checking herself out in the changing room. Pierre said he loves to see me in red. It's a shame he isn't here. She chose a red dress in the end. It was slightly traditional, and there was a peacock embroidered on it; she looked gorgeous and elegant in it.

She looked at herself once more, and her gaze fell upon her mother's bracelet; she had been keeping it well. Even though it belonged to her mother, it still cost Pierre a hundred million to bid. She picked it up and wore it around her wrist. The jade-green bracelet was a perfect match for her fair, slender wrist.

Selena attracted everyone's attention the moment she entered, especially the men. They couldn't get their eyes off her, not when she was in such an alluring dress.

"She looks like a slut alright."

"Yeah, she does."

think she managed to

know. By sucking Pierre

the circle, since she was beautiful and successful. Everyone had been calling her a slut since she founded her company

praise a man if he became a success story all by himself, but if a woman did that, everyone would say she slept with countless men to get what she had. That

John's death during her wedding. Even though her name was cleared, some people

Aside from being a gorgeous woman, Selena was also the president of JNS Corporation, as well as the wife of Pierre, the president of Fowler Group and Empire Group. No matter

answers, and all of them were related to business. Some of the guests had met her a few times before,

You've been a loving couple,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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