53 Shock And Fear


I could not believe what had happened during breakfast. There had been horrible moments in that lounge, but this was the most shocking. I wasn’t expecting Luke to go at his father the way he did. When I told him what Alpha Aesop said to me in the office, he had taken it calmly,

and I did not see it as anything. I was used to the insults. People often referred to me as a commodity or gold digger; the list went on. It never got to me because my husband did not see me that way, and I knew that wasn’t the truth. It did not bother me, but it hurt a bit when

Alpha Aesop used it against me in the office because he knew the truth. He did not buy me for his son; he forced my parents’ hands and for him to make it seem like they willingly sold me to him in the presence of Monica was low. I did not like the man anyway and had no respect for him. He was a coward and clearly pussy whipped by Stacy. He was a shame to his family and pack.

I knew it was difficult for Alpha Aesop to apologise to his son, but he was in the wrong. I admired that about him. He really did not need to say sorry. There was nothing Luke could do to him, but I knew he loved Luke and did not want any more damage to occur between him and his son; I guess that was why he apologised. After seeing Luke go at his family for my sake, I knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for me because this was the height of it. I was blessed to be mated to a strong man like Luke.

The revelation was shocking. Who would have thought Stacy was in a serious relationship before she met alpha, Aesop. It was unimaginable. The woman behaved as if the man was her

first love. Deep down, I knew there was more to the story. No matter what Stacy said, she clearly left the guy because he did not have money. She had come into the Moon family with an excavator. Too bad for her; it took twenty-three years for Alpha Aesop to run out of gold for her to dig. If he had handed the company to Luke long ago and Stacy was younger, I am sure she would find somewhere else to dig from. She was still a looker; I wouldn’t put that past her. The only downside for her was Aesop’s mark on her neck. It was a strong deterrent.

Everyone was shocked, and I understood why Kimberly wasn’t allowed to be at the table.

“Where is Kimberly?” I finally asked, trying to change the topic, and Luke placed his hands on my thigh. I turned to look at him, but his face was expressionless, so he just wanted to touch me. I could feel his discomfort. The revelation had troubled him.

“She went for her antenatal appointment,” Stacy said, and I looked at Caleb.

“You let her go alone?” I asked him, and he looked away in shame. There was still tension between us, but we tried to be civil whenever needed. As much as I did not like Kimberly, someone had to speak up for her.

“Whether the baby is yours or not, you shouldn’t do that to her. Whatever you might say here, Caleb, you were once fond of that girl. I can understand you not wanting to settle down with her yet but letting her go through this is cruel and wicked. If she gives birth and the baby is yours, you would have missed out on significant moments. I am sure you let her go to her breathing classes alone, too,” I said, and everyone was shocked at my utterances.

isn’t yours, but the fact remains is there is a possibility that it is.

I have the training and other stuff, and she brought this upon herself. It is her fault that…” he said and stopped. I knew what he wanted to say because he looked at Luke and held his peace. Not

work out their differences, Tia,” Alpha Aesop said, and I bowed

suggested as his friend, and Caleb excused us from the table. No one bothered to

and I turned to

is practically alone all the time.” I said, and he sighed. He did not know what to say, but he wasn’t in agreement. “I think you should leave her alone,” Stacy said, and I let it


friend. I do not think he would be happy you let his

starts taking her for her antenatal and breathing classes, I will do it,” she said with a smug

Aesop said. The man was clearly angry with his wife, and I

do those things for Miss Barnes; Kimberly, on the other, will be Caleb’s wife once we confirm the baby is his, You have even collected money

does not mind paying her for the services she would be rendering for his brother; after all, he is paying the staff attending to

her cousin. Monica was raised with Moon money; she should show some gratitude. Right now, the only reason you are still here is

you leaving?” Alpha Aesop asked his

have things

Saturday. I thought you two would stay longer,” he said, not wanting

would we do?” Luke asked him, and he did not know

borders,” Luke told his father, and I wondered what might be

to tell me anything.

serious?”Alpha Aesop asked, and Luke

are keeping it under control, but we do not even know who is attacking us and why. We have been at peace for so long that our army is not really experienced in war. I had selected a few to train with me for war purposes just in case it comes to that. ” Luke told his father, and I was afraid. I

to protect had nothing, yet they attacked with full force. Woodclaw is an Island, and almost all our borders have been attacked. I do not want to imagine the worst, but we must prepare for it. Just in case,” Luke said,

you know why?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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