54 Leisure


Luke started the car, and we left the mansion; instead of heading home, he drove towards the cliff. I was silent although the drive and did not say a word. I knew the situation was worse than he was letting out.

When we got to the spot. He stopped his car and exited, then came to open the door on my side, and I reluctantly came out. He opened the car trunk and brought a big picnic basket, cooler, mat and three giant pillows. He planned on spending time here.

“I see you came prepared,” I said, and he smiled at me. Spreading the mat and taking off his shoes. To my surprise, he also brought a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear for comfort. He changed in my presence, and even his hot body could not lift my spirit at that moment. Luke arranged everything neatly and motioned me to join him. “Come here, Tia,” He said and sat on the mat. I took off my shoes, unbuttoned the first few buttons of my dress, and sat next to him on the mat.

He held me close and kissed my neck gently. “Tia,” he breathed close to my ears, and I realised he wasn’t playing fair at that moment. I was fighting with myself to hold still, but my body and insides were going to betray me. “I am sorry I did not tell you what was really happening. I do not think it is serious. We haven’t suffered any casualties so far, and we have bigger issues like Luis to deal with,” he explained.

“But you should have told me what was really going on. When were you going to tell me? Was it when it got out of hand, and you had to go? I know how things work, Luke; remember I went to the academy. Don’t lie to me. Please, tell me exactly how it is,” I pleaded with him bracing myself to hear it. “It is exactly what I said, Tai. I made it seem more serious than it really was because I did not want to deploy soldiers to guard Stacy’s parents. That would be an abuse of power. The issue with this Regan guy is her baggage. Why should we bear it for her? She is a gold-digging bitch that left her boyfriend for a rich Alpha. No one said it at the table, but that is true. All that bullshit about the guy being mean and dangerous was crap. She didn’t need to meet my father to leave him if that were true. If Regan Adhit exist and really what she says is true, then he is right to try to settle scores as far as he is concerned. A rich Alpha took his bitch away just because he could.” Luke said that that sentence made something click in my head in those moments. It was so intense that I could not speak.

“Tia, Tia..” Luke said with concern.

“Luke..” I managed.” Could Regan be Luis?” I asked, and He looked at me for a few seconds before his eyes widened.

they seem similar, but Luis is a wealthy man. Why will he need

her of him. So she would never really be free,” I

might be on to something, but let us not jump to conclusions. This is Stacy we are talking about. She might have concocted that story to cover the real reason she was blackmailed. If Luis is Regan, then he exists, and she would not have any problems with us finding the bastard and dealing with him. I doubt Regan exists, Tia,” Luke said, and he made a valid point. Her reluctance to allow Luke to hunt the bastard down spoke volumes. Any woman in her right mind would have welcomed the idea of finding Regan to end her misery, but she was adamant and did not want Luke to find him. That was proof that she was lying, and she

reputation, though?” I asked,

kick her out or let her go. If not for the sake of

to hurt Caleb, let alone

anyone in that house. Forcing my father to make me marry you, knowing full well her son was in love with you. Forcing Kimberly into his life so she could milk the Miles for money, Stacy will use anyone, including her son, to get what she wants. And if messing with Caleb’s reputation will stop my father from digging into her affairs, so be it?” he

master manipulator. There is a possibility she has measured the stakes, and this was the best option,” Luke said, and I realised that the woman had no

folks come to live in the mansion?” I asked Luke,

get more than her allowance and will not have access to money. If what she says is true, she should be comfortable not paying the guy once her parents are in the mansion, but if it is not true, she will still be looking for money at all costs,” he said, and

exists. I do not want anything that would ruin Caleb’s reputation,” he confessed, and I was proud of him. It was amazing that they still looked out for each other even with all the tension between them. Caleb found Gabriel

words. ” I do not want you to get involved with Caleb’s relationship. If anything happens to that baby, Stacy will pin it on you. Stay away from Kimberly as far as possible, Please. I agree with you that what Caleb is doing is wrong but leave them alone. Do not talk about them again. Please, Tia,” he said, and I knew he was

afternoon, but it was five o’clock somewhere, so

and he just wanted to get out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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