65 Ordeal 


We waited in the hallway for Caleb to return. Tia wasn’t feeling well, and I tried to convince her to go home, but she insisted. I could not stop her, but I wasn’t happy that she refused to go home. 

We sat on the chair in the corridor of the maternity ward, and I held her. Her hands were a bit cold, and i knew it was part of it. “I promised Kimberly I would be here,” she said, and I understood her reasons. “We’ll. Thank goddess, it is a hospital. I might just ask them to give you a room.” I said, and she smiled at me. It would have been funny usually, but the situation was too dire. Kimberly had planned on leaving Caleb after giving birth. I hoped she would survive this. 

“How did it get this bad?” I asked Tia, and she sighed. “She was alone. No one attended to her,” she explained, and I was angry. “You mean there were no workers in that wing?” I asked her, and she nodded. 

“Once your father, Stacy and Caleb are not in, they take a break. That is what Bart told me. Norman has reported to Stacy, but nothing was done about their conduct,” She said, and I got angry because I pay them full salaries with benefits. At this point, I felt robbed. 

“I guess we will be hiring,” I said, and Tia nodded to agree with me. 

Caleb returned, sweating. I knew he was panicking but trying hard to keep his shit together. It was sad. 

“You need to calm down, Caleb,” I said, and he just stared at me. 

my fault. I shouldn’t have left her

here. It is bad. Norman told your mother about their conduct, and she did nothing about it. You should have instructed one or two to stay with her, though,” I said, and he was pissed off. “I am sacking all of

I asked him, and he bowed his head. I knew he was fighting back the tears. His eyes were misty. “She is suffering from pre-eclampsia. I should have noticed from her swollen feet,” Caleb said as if he was even paying attention. “They say she has a severe

are her chances?” “Tia asked him, and

treat her. The doctor said he can’t make promises,” he said and cracked. I had to let go

was a bit selfish like his mother. I guess he was seeing the repercussion of his actions now. It wouldn’t have killed him to pay a little attention. If not for anything but for the sake of friendship. As much as I hated what Elisabeth did to me, Tia and I always made sure she was alright and cared for. She had workers watching her and caring for her around the clock. The only thing was that I did not deal with her

We have done everything we can to stabilise her. It is up to her and her wolf: You can see your daughter now.” the doctor said and Caleb stood frozen on the spot. My key

DNA test you requested a few months ago?” The doctor asked, and Caleb just stood there speechless. The doctor

I did not want Tia to hand the girl over, but she had already done it before I couldn’t link her not to. Caleb held her and began to cry. “The baby has a key mark on her upper right arm,” Newman said, and there was no disputing that she was Caleb’s at that moment, but the nurse had brought the swab, and they took samples from both Caleb and the baby. He had ordered and paid for the test, so they had to carry it out even though he was no longer clamouring for it. “What am I going to do now?” Caleb asked me, and I honestly did not have an answer. “Pray she comes out of it and beg her for forgiveness. Clearly, the baby is yours. All that stress you put the poor girl through was for nothing.” I said, scolding him. The nurse came to take the baby for

the hospital, so he asked us to care for her. Tia was more than happy. Stacy took offence, but Caleb did not want to put his daughter in his mother’s care. I doubt Stacy knew how to nurture, but I also knew it would be tedious. I was afraid the baby would strain ‘Tia, but Michelle stepped in. Tia

want her to have complications. I wanted her to be able to care for her child and return

Tia with Caleb’s daughter. He remained in the hospital, waiting for Kimberly to wake up. He refused to name his daughter, claiming Kimberly would name her. It was sad. His beards had grown out in that week. He

she was sad about Kimberly. She visited the hospital every day to see Kimberly, hoping she would wake up. I followed her three times, but she went alone the other

said, resting her head on my chest, and I was attentive.

you think we should take the baby from her?” she asked me, and I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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