66 Trying 


We were silent after Kimberly laid out her plans, and I did not know what to say. Caleb looked at Tia and me to chip in, but this was his mess. It was his problem. “Kimberly, please reconsider,” Tia said, begging the girl. 

“It is easy for you to say, Tia. Luke doesn’t let you out of his sight. When you two were getting married, the news went round that you would be miserable because of the rumours we heard but look at you now. You are an object of envy. My only offence was being sloppy, Tia. I actually believed that women only got pregnant when they had sex during their heat. It hit home when Luke used me as an example when Stacy was trying to convince you to rest so you can get pregnant after your first heat. My mother was all about looking nice and spending money; she never taught me anything about being a woman. Everything I know I learned on my own by making mistakes and correcting myself. I did not get pregnant deliberately. Who wants to be a mother at twenty? No offence Tia, but I would not have chosen this path otherwise. I had broken up with him. It doesn’t matter what the DNA result says. In the eyes of everyone, I am a slut, which is why he doubted the paternity of my daughter. No one will know he was my first, and I never cheated on him. No one would know there was no need to doubt me. Above all, I cannot hang around for someone who chooses to settle for me because the woman he loves is unavailable. I have my dignity. I only hung around the Moons so that I would be cared for during my pregnancy. I ended up doing everything for myself. Apart from the bills that were paid, I did it all by myself. I went through everything alone, with no one to talk to or lean on. It is too late for Caleb to ask me to stay. I have made peace with my shame and am moving on from this. I would have died, but the goddess spared my life. I feel reborn. I do not want to walk the same path I was on before I went into a coma,” she said, and Tia could not say a word because no one could argue with Kimberly right now. Everything she said was true. Caleb had many chances to redeem himself but blew all of them. 

“Please, Kim. I am sorry. I will tell the world that I misjudged you, I will marry you, and we will move out of the mansion, but don’t leave me. Please, right now, you and our daughter are all that make sense in my life. I cannot lose both of you, please. I will do anything you want. I will do whatever you say. I will be a fool for you, I promise. I will follow you about, and you will never be alone. Please do not leave me, Kim. I am sorry about everything; I was sorry before all this. I honestly thought you were trying to trap me because of my past. Most of the girls that claimed I got them pregnant were lairs. Most of them were not pregnant by the time we offered abortion. I am sorry I categorised you like them. I really am.” He said and went to his knees. 

“Please tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it, Kim. I swear I will do it.” He said, and just then, Stacy and our father walked into the room. 

“Caleb!” Stacy exclaimed.” Don’t you know you are an Alpha?” She said, but he ignored her entirely and continued to plead with Kimberly. 

“What is the matter?.” My father asked me quietly. “Kimberly is leaving with her child,” I told him, and he was shocked. “The girl is a Moon; she can’t take her away,” My father protested. 

Miles.” I said to him, and he was silent. Realising what was happening, he pulled his mate so they could excuse us. We wanted

how it goes. If you still want to

so you can have some privacy,” I said, and Kimberly looked at Tia. It was

her while I collected the baby from her. Kimberly was in pain. So I asked Caleb to join me outside the room to talk He reluctantly left to join me outside.

those things you said?” I asked him, and he nodded.

“It will be hard to convince her. You really hurt the girl. She went through this alone. Three months in her father’s house and six months with us. You refused to even stay in the same room with her. Tia is just a few weeks gone, and I will tell you, it is not easy. She needs a lot of care and pampering. I do not want to imagine what Kimberly went through all this while. You need to do a lot more than making promises and keeping them to get her back, you need a miracle because that girl’s mind is made up. Remember what father tells us. He says to always remain relevant, you have to make sure people do not find a replacement for you because you are no longer needed once they do. Kimberly has learned to live without you, and your lack of care has given her the understanding and courage that she can do this without you. If she considers staying, it will be because Tia said so, not because she wants

heart. Help me win Kimberly’s

and protect her from your mother and cousin. Those two are poisonous in our home, and you should always come to her defence. If it is possible to move out of the moon mansion to avoid those awful breakfasts, then do it. Father is powerless right now; gone are the day he would threaten to cut us off and leave us to

if I marry and claim her?” he

agrees, then go for it, but you will have to prove yourself to her,” I told him, and he was silent. Soon we returned to the room to find Tia and Kimberly playing with the baby Caleb went to kneel by her bed

yet. Give me a chance to redeem myself and prove to you I am for real this time,” Caleb said in

Kimberly agreed reluctantly. I did not know what Tia might have said to

house for now. We can find you a place from there.” I said, and Tia

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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