70 Good Riddance 


I did not know why Elisabeth would call Joey. If they were married, I could understand, but he was just one of the people she was fucking. What the fuck are you still doing here, Lisa?I asked her, and she flinched. Her eyes were swollen, but I wasnt touched one bit. She did this. Her selfishness did this to Paul

Your quest for attention led to this. I hope you are fucking happy now? You should have left well enough alone instead of tricking me into getting pregnant and trying to attach yourself to me by force.I said and looked at Joey, You better be careful with her,I warned him, and he seemed genuinely afraid of me. + It was taking a lot for me not to hit her. Joey just stood there. He dared not challenge me. I hate acting like my father, but I would cut both of them off without thinking about it

I am sorry, Lu... Alpha Moon,Elisabeth said. I guess my fathers slap was burned on her cheeks. My days of being kind and understanding were over. To think I felt guilty about leaving her for Tia. To think I said she deserved better. I take back everything at this moment

Thanks to you, I have to ship the baby to Neev. A special needs home to care for him. His heart will never be whole, Lisa; he will always need care. He wont be able to do physically tasking things. He will have to be careful all his life,I said, and she widened her eyes

You will take him from me?She asked, and I could not believe this bitch

You werent going to keep him. Key mark or not, you were not going to keep him. Tia was going to care for him, but even now, she cant because you have made him a special case,I said, and she shook her head

Please. I will follow him to Neev; dont take him from me.She pleaded, and I shook my head

You are mentally unstable, and I do not want anything to do with you again, Lisa. Either you let him go to Neev and forget you had a child, or I leave him for you and Joey and dont look back. Believe me, I can. I have made peace with my conscience, and my wife is pregnant. I have moved on from this,I told her. It wasnt necessarily true, but I did not want to deal with the bitch again

We stood silent for a while, and she stared at the baby through the glass

I be allowed to send him birthday cards in Neev?” she asked,

to handle your shit,” I replied, and she touched the glass and looked at Tia. “I know this might be too much to ask, but please take care of him,” she said, resigning herself. Tia did not respond to her request. I knew she was fighting

around. The specialist from Neev arrived an hour later.

Khalifa Ahmed. I am a cardiologist. It is

said with a smile, and I watched his staff get into the ICU to prepare Paul

you too; thank you for coming on short notice. What are my son‘s chances?” I asked, and he

see if the hole closes on its own. During this period, we might treat symptoms with medicine. The hole only increases the amount of blood that flows through the lungs, and over time, it may cause damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. Damage to the blood vessels in the lungs may cause problems in adulthood, such as high blood pressure in the lungs and heart failure. I intended to watch to see if it would close on its own, but an open–heart surgery can fix it. Before we can carry out surgery, we must ensure his body can handle such a procedure. I assure you we will assign staff to care for him alone. He will

damage that may not be visible to us at the moment. The drugs the mother took

and fly away. James Lockwood and Bart were with us

She was in charge of the money

in that, but he also said we shouldn‘t visit until after three

mansion, Lisa,” I said coldly, and she had fear in

your father?” She said, and I looked at Tia. She nodded, and

parted in the hospital‘s parking lot. Elisabeth rode with Joey while Tia, Bart and I went

I informed him of our steps to save Paul‘s life. He was happy that his grandson would be alive, but he wasn‘t happy that he won‘t be as active as a Moon should

is the bitch packing her shit,”

to his office. Joey waited outside the mansion; I could feel his fear. The guy was terrified. It was also evident that Elisabeth wasn‘t honest with him about

I stood at the door while we watched her pack her things in tears.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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