71 Plans For Breakfast 


Morning came, and I was reluctant to get off the bed. Spending the night in the mansion seemed like a good idea, but waking up in it did not seem so anymore. I hated breakfast, and this one would definitely be eventful. I could imagine the list of things we would have to discuss. Calebs daughter was one. Caleb moving out of the mansion was another. Calebs marrying the reluctant and notinterested Kimberly was there. Me housing them was an offence that might be discussed. Pauls health and prospects and my future plan for him were prospective topics my father would want to discuss either on his own or prompted by Stacy. Tias take on everything and her plans for our baby will be addressed. Above all, Elisabeths exit will be brought up. There was no way breakfast was going to be peaceful. I wished the mansion’s exit wasnt at the right wing. If not, I would have opted to slip away with Tia and call to apologise later. One thing I was sure my father would be prepared, and Norman would be waiting at the exit to invite us to breakfast before we leave.

Tia and I were both naked, and I moved close to her and held her. She grumbled in her sleep, and it made me smile. I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her. We were finally at peace. I was glad Paul was in great hands, and Elisabeth was out of my life permanently. I wished her the best, but I prayed our paths never crossed. It was seven in the morning, and we wont be having breakfast until nine. My father deliberately kept it that late so that none of us would have an excuse. I am sure he was geared up for this morning, and I knew he would anticipate our move to dodge it.

I gently moved away from Tia, so she wont wake up. I picked up my phone and called Caleb. He answered almost immediately, which made me believe he was awake.

Couldnt sleep?I asked him

Yeah. The couch sucks,he complained, and I realised Kimberly hadnt softened up. For his good, I hope she does. He really hurt her beyond repair. You should have slept in another room,I told him

No. I cant. It is best this way. I want to be in the same space she is. Do you think things would have gotten good between you and Tia if you slept in separate rooms? Hanging around her increases my chances. She might forgive me sooner this way. Otherwise, the months will roll by quickly, and she will leave. Every second counts for me.He said, and I figured he was serious about winning her heart again. Well, I wish you all the best,I said, and he thanked me. “I didnt know how fucked up the idea of spending the night here was until now, Luke,Caleb said, and I laughed a bit

Me too,I said and pinched the bridge of my nose. I am prepared for my mother,Caleb said, which reminded me why I called in the first place

Please do not bring up Regan Adhit at the table. I want to get to the bottom of the matter


certain things. We should discuss it extensively when we get home,” Caleb agreed, and I sighed. “Has Tia finished going through the business proposal I sent you?” He asked, and I

not think she was lying about her deal with Timothy,” I told him, sharing

pay Regan Adhit Millions of Kins every year for twenty–three years. Do the math, Luke. There was

at breakfast to give her a chance to come clean?” I asked, and he was silent for a bit before speaking. He was thinking about his response.

what you will do if she is guilty?” He asked. I hadn‘t really thought about it.

I said.

her live without money.” Caleb said, and I knew his anger with his mother was beyond what we were discussing. Somehow I knew my wife was in the mix, but I admired his effort to move on, so I decided not to bring it up or

for the child‘s grave if we want to catch her. Don‘t bring up the investigation Luke; she will just complicate things for you. I won‘t be mad if you deal with her. Somebody has to; father has let her run wild

indicated he was attentive. “We will go and get your grandparents from Dome without her knowledge. We can then ask them questions about what your mother told us. If truly there is a dead child, there should be a grave. If this man loved her as much

you say that?”

love can cause the man to feel betrayed to the point of blackmailing


is blackmailing her only to make her life miserable. Tektite is a big company; he does not need her money. The man obviously feels insulted and wants to get back at her by taking away her peace and causing problems between her and our father by forcing her to act suspiciously.” I stated. “You are on to something Luke,” he agreed. “If there was a child between them, it would have a grave and a tombstone,” I said. “I like your idea Luke, and we will stick to it. I will bring up stuff to stop her and father from stirring up shit during breakfast. I really do not feel like discussing my personal life with them, and I know the feeling is mutual,” Caleb suggested, and I agreed. “Breakfast will be eventful as always,” I said, and he laughed. “It seems like we would be the ones turning

When he came out of his mother. I hoped the hole closes on its own like the doctor had predicted so they wouldn‘t have to carry out open–heart surgery on him. I planned on visiting Neev to check on my son in three months. Finger‘s crossed, Paul won‘t have other complications that would be life–threatening or

My beards were overgrown and busy. I was definitely visiting the salon soon. My beards were not long, but I needed to cut and carve them. The whole stress about Kimberly and then Paul kept me so occupied that I forgot to keep my appointment with my barber. After brushing my

time Tia woke up. Her hair looked dishevelled, and she looked beautiful. She was also completely naked, so she wrapped the sheet around her body when she figured

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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