Chapter 348

The nurse was a bit puzzled but still walked into Neil’s room with the tray in her hands.

The two bodyguards saw that the nurse changing the medication was still the usual one, so they didn’t stop her.

Just as the nurse drew the medicine into the syringe, ready to inject it into the IV bag, Neil suddenly opened his eyes and breathed heavily.

The nurse got a shock from the sudden noise, dropping the syringe on the floor.

She ran out in a hurry, yelling down the hall, “Doctor! Doctor!”

A bunch of doctors rushed into the room and whisked Neil off to the emergency room.

The nurse stood in the empty room, picked up the syringe from the floor, tossed it into the nearby trash can, and then took the trash out. Tricia had been waiting at the end of the hall and saw Neil being taken into the emergency room. She thought her poison had taken effect.

Once injected, Neil would surely die.

She was feeling smug when she noticed the medicine she had just sent out was on top of the nurse’s trash can.

“Wasn’t this medicine injected into the patient?”

“No, the patient’s condition suddenly changed, and we’re not sure whether it’s for better or worse. We’ll have to wait until he comes out of the ER.”

skipped a beat. If Neil came out of the ER, she would



he hung up the phone,

full of malice. She hoped that this stimulation

in mind. He was now lurking

passed by, he would rape her tonight!

looking for solutions. She should keep Neil in a coma or find

dress to find lan, he dismissed her like

did Maja succeed?

Maja not only succeeded but also made lan consider

to stalk lan recently but was blacklisted by the hotel where lan was staying. As soon as she appeared, someone politely asked her

membership card at the BlueSky Bar and was familiar with the

the bartender sent her a

for a

been in meetings for a long time and had a few hours of free time tonight, so Tyler

with a relatively light workload, and he wrote one or two scripts a year, each selling for millions of

could earn millions of dollars in endorsement fees by accepting ads on Twitter, making more

nudged lan gently with his

you send Dana out of the country because of Penny”

way of thinking was always very divergent,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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