Chapter 349

Tyler was gripping a glass of booze, a bit out of it.

“Excuse me?”

lan said, “I was talking about Penny.”

“But I was talking about Carlene!”

lan’s hand stopped mid–air, lowering his head and releasing an “Oh.”

Tyler found this amusing but held back a laugh.

“So what you meant just now was, in your relationship with Penny, your thoughts don’t matter. Only hers do.”

So if Penny wanted to be with him, he’d be game?

But lan refused to answer.

Tyler was getting antsy, “Is that what you meant? I was talking about Carlene, and you didn’t hear a thing. Are you still hung up on a married woman?”

“I’m not.”

a woman not far away, seizing the opportunity while lan was a bit tipped, he asked, “How

gaze flicked up, taking a quick look, then retracted, “She’s no

glanced at the empty bottles on the table. Was he drinking alone


whipped out his phone and started recording.

the right with the killer’s body? How does Penny compare to her?”

wait to play this recording back to lan

while staring Tyler down with a powerful gaze.

He’s drunk,

it; lan does

had no other hobbies; he enjoyed watching these

a private room but in the

to see the elites let their hair down on the dance floor, throwing caution to the wind, which gave him great inspiration for his

he helped lan up and bumped into

knew Tyler, who was lan’s good friend and a

lan, her eyes lit

home, and I specifically came here to pick him

was a golden opportunity!

at her, smiled, his eyes

him? Go home and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Don’t use these dirty tricks on him.”

stood frozen on the spot, feeling a cold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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