Chapter 350

Coco was barking at the door, wagging its tail excitedly.

Maja paused in her movements, thinking that Maria must have forgotten to close the door again tonight.

Coco darted forward like an arrow, pleasingly rolling in front of her as if it didn’t want to be sent back to that room.

Worried that its barking would disturb Maria, Maja quickly pulled Coco out of the garden.

But Coco was particularly excited tonight, refusing to go into that room.

Maja thought it was just because it hadn’t seen her for a long time and was overexcited. As she was about to pull it in, she heard a sound coming from the living room. Someone had entered the house.

This time of night, it couldn’t possibly be a servant.

And it certainly wasn’t Maria; Maria was already asleep.

A burglar?

But Rosewood Manor had excellent security, and there had never been such a problem.

Coco took advantage of her momentary hesitation, broke free from the leash, and ran towards the living room like a madman.

It seemed to know that the man it liked had come, and its barking was much brighter than usual.

choice but to follow.

she slightly opened the living room door,


mark on Coco’s forehead was very obvious, lan squinted his eyes.


was left behind.

called Maria. But Maria was sleeping heavily and didn’t answer the phone.

her a message first, asking her not to admit that she had a dog

lan, opening up two buttons of his shirt, looked at Coco sleeping at his


it uncertainly, and Coco jumped up, excitedly wagging


you gotten

she must be

and tease it, but thinking of his allergy to dog fur,

a puppy he had seen a few years ago, which his brother had brought home.

was sent away, and he didn’t know who had adopted

out his phone and called Maja.

was still anxious in Rosen Garden. Her computer in the living room of Rosewood Manor was still on. Although the screen would automatically turn off after a while, if lan was interested

she had put aside on the second page had Penny’s name on it.

considering whether to confess when lan’s call


He called her.

of tenderness in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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