Chapter 351

From Maja’s perspective, she could tell from his tone that he was definitely drunk. Otherwise, how could he ask such a question?

She was thinking fast.

“Well, if you bring me the dog this late, it will be tough to explain if my hubby finds out.”

As soon as she finished, lan went silent.

Even though they were only talking over the phone, Maja could still feel a heavy vibe from him.

Before she could say anything else, lan suddenly hung up.

Maja was shocked, thinking he had hung up by accident, so she dialed him again.

But lan didn’t pick up.

She called again, but still no answer. Maja was no fool, and she knew he was ignoring her on purpose.

She frowned slightly, wondering if she had said something wrong.

In his mind, she was supposed to be married.

Seeing that she stopped calling after two tries, lan sheered and–looked at Coco beside him.

“That’s all you are to her.”

Coco didn’t understand and tried to get closer, but lan had already gone upstairs.

When lan was not in the country, Coco used to sleep on the couch.

was his, so now that lan was ignoring him, Coco


room, he stood under the shower, feeling restless as the water dripped down his chest.

alcohol, but

mind was filled with thoughts of her cheating husband.

really needed to get her eyes

to call again, afraid that lan would

hadn’t questioned her identity yet. Apparently, he hadn’t noticed the

cared about anything regarding Rosewood Manor.

message to Maria.

away the laptop and notebook on the coffee


usually got up at six, so Maria would definitely appear in the living room earlier

of relief, but when she thought of Coco, she was worried again.

in the

at this moment, she

come back last night? Coco seems to be

whether lan

took a deep breath and asked, “Did

in your

now on; pretend it’s a stray dog that ran into Rosewood Manor; remember,

would be exposed.

on Maja’s side


already met Coco made her very anxious.

this really

if lan questions. her

to having a dog in Rosewood Manor, Mr. Raymond won’t blame you.

choice but to hang up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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