Chapter 352

Maja was taken aback, rooted to the spot. If she didn’t already know that Coco was at Rosewood Manor, she might’ve totally bought his act. Why on earth would lan hold a dog hostage?

With a helpless laugh, she quickly caught up to him.

“Mr. Raymond, my Coco really is missing. You might not be mistaken. Where did you see it? I’ll go look.”

Ian stopped in his tracks. He was dressed in a sharp black suit and crisp white shirt, and his jawline tensed slightly. His voice was cool and clear.

“You and your husband should go look together. You might still find it.”

Maja was speechless, her steps faltering.

lan had already reached the elevator by now. Maja had no choice but to follow.

“Mr. Raymond, my husband is really busy.”

Her voice was filled with helplessness.

lan’s gaze was icy and emotionless as he said, “Then wait until he has time to help you look. Penny, I have a meeting in five minutes. Don’t come to me if it’s not about the renovation.”

doors opened, and lan

a private elevator. There was no one

entrance, watching as the elevator doors closed.

mulling over why lan would hold Coco hostage.

much she thought about it, she couldn’t find a reasonable

out her phone and send a text to Maria.

Mr. Raymond know that she’s a dog from Rosewood Manor. Just go along with

been working at Rosewood Manor for so many years that she immediately understood the subtext

act like she was desperately looking for Coco. Otherwise, lan might find her behavior suspicious, suspecting she knew Coco was

notice on her Facebook page with two pictures of Coco.

didn’t take long before the post had over ten comments,

to Ryan Elston. So, Ryan found out

post and immediately forwarded the news to lan.

influence to help her look? She even added a


they were just friends

the message,


old, and Penny must consider her part of the family. She must be really worried. There’s barely

Coco. She hoped lan would quickly use the resources of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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