Chapter 374

Hattie was taken aback, wanting to give her a good scolding, but the presence of the bodyguards stopped her.

Ferris was a bit of a smarty–pants, the only one in the family who’d gone to college, so he had this air of superiority about him.

So, when he lectured Maja, he had a sort of elder–like authority.

“What’s with your attitude when you talk to your grandma? Clearly, you’re an uncultured child, not even knowing basic manners. Your parents never went to college, so I guess this is what they raised. Maja, listen to me, I’m a college–educated person. Your two cousins, they’re both college–educated too. If they were adopted by your family, it’d be your damn luck.”

Ferris assumed that since Neil and Lillian never went to college, Maja must be a cultural dunce, completely ignorant of the fact that she was a graduate from a top–notch institution.

Maja slowly put down her coffee cup and looked at her so–called brother’s.

Greed was all over their faces.

Maja wrinkled her brow, not in the mood for their nonsense.

I don’t want to have to say

turned sour instantly. He stood

no manners,/Is this how your parents


crashed onto the floor, scaring Ferris

aura stifling everyone in

the exams. It was just because the family favored you, he had to start working early. Back then, he was earning less than three bucks a day, all handed over to grandma and grandpa, just to fund your college education. As the beneficiary, what gives you the

it a shot. If you don’t leave my house

her to be

well–thought–out strategies were useless against her

extremely embarrassed. He was a college graduate,

clenched his teeth, pointing at

you can. Wait till your stepmom gives all your family’s money to her son. Let’s

going to get anything, he lost his

found it

were to throw the Pennyfeather family’s belongings, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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