Chapter 375

Five people hurriedly left with their luggage.

Maja sat on the sofa, ordered the housemaid to disinfect the whole house, and then notified the doormen.

“No more letting these people in, or you’re out of a job.”

The doormen had only let them in on Cristina’s orders.

But now, there seemed to be a feeling in the air that things were about to change for the Pennyfeather family.

“Understood, Ms. Pennyfeather.”

Maja went to RosenGarden to pick up Coco. At RosenGarden, there was no garden, and Coco wasn’t living comfortably there. On the other hand, at Rosewood Manor, where lan was residing, the villa is now vacant and entirely suitable for Coco to stay in. Both the interior and exterior of the villa have been disinfected, and all belongings related to Cristina and Tricia have been sold off.

Glenn’s properties were sold for millions of dollars, all transferred to Neil’s account.

Compared to the one billion dollars the Pennyfeather family was about to owe, these millions were a drop in the bucket.

Maja remembered the deal lan had proposed.

She suddenly felt a headache coming on.

At noon the next day, Holden called her.

“Maja, your father would occasionally discuss the Pennyfeather family with me. I haven’t heard from him lately, is he not well??

Maja couldn’t possibly spill the beans about the Pennyfeather family to him.

was a billion dollars after

got wind of it, he would definitely step in, but she would also have

you need to live happily with lan, you can’t divorce him.”

had to take the old man’s money, what

in the Raymond family, she couldn’t

lowered her

not to bother

two separate worlds, as long as one side didn’t pry,

“We’re doing well.”

her, which could be

chuckled sarcastically, but her voice betrayed nothing out of the

her mind was in even more of a mess. With Neil unconscious again, she decided to go

she ran head–on into people

in the company was in a state of panic.

all knew the Pennyfeather company was going down, with Wyatt dead, Carter

up for two days with an arrogant attitude, the Pennyfeather family seemed to be in big

the top brass of the company kept their mouths shut in

of orders in a month, even with non–stop work, was

such an additional agreement with

sat in the main seat, wearing a gold watch with a huge diamond.

over twenty days, it’s up to you. If those goods can’t be delivered, you’ll have to pay ByteWise Technologies a billion dollars in damages.”

smug, as relaxed as if he were in his

board members dared not

feeling of having other

room door was pushed open, and Maja walked

when he saw her.

in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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