Chapter 1149

Dylan had already investigated the Raymond family, knowing that there was Eric, but Eric had supposedly passed away years ago. This evening, a man suddenly appeared, claiming to be Eric.

Dylan had his people look into it and from the resemblance this man bore to lan, he finally confirmed his identity.

Eric was still alive

But from what he had heard about Eric, he was said to be a very gentle man, quite unlike the ruthless man before him now.

Perhaps these nearly seven years had changed him dramatically

Patrick picked up his glass of whiskey, took another sip, and tossed his cigarette butt into the nearby trash can.

“Before my grandfather passed away, he left a will. He had initially transferred 15% of his shares to lan, under the condition that I was deceased. If I was still alive, however, those 15% of shares should be mine, meaning, I could return as a high–ranking member of the Raymond Corporation”

That night, Eric had used a self–destructive method to help Maja, and Patrick was still furious about it.

Fine, if Eric wanted to cause trouble, then he would too, and let the whole of Greenfield fall into chaos!

It was Eric who first broke their agreement, so he couldn’t be blamed

Patrick took out Mr. Holden’s will, sounding triumphant.

“Mr Sanders, if you want, you could hire a handwriting expert to verify this.”

if that’s true, all you would get is 15% of

I can still intervene in lan and Maja’s relationship. After all, I am Maja’s first love.”

I need to thoroughly investigate this matter. I have

shrugged, indicating he didn’t mind.

He only glanced at it, hesitated a moment, then deleted it. Then he opened his chat with Maja. He knew Maja must be concerned about him, otherwise, she wouldn’t have

sent her another message

night at the

who was rumored to have a strange temper

so this screenwriter probably didnt either.

the way there, she saw

She didn’t reply.

new script which seemed tailor–made for Cornelia. Maja had sent some men to negotiate with her, but the

it seemed she had started contacting Beck and was likely to collaborate with the Sanders

to miss this script, so she decided to meet with the screenwriter herself.

the screenwriter would agree to meet. They made an appointment at a coffee shop near a

Maja arrived, she asked her bodyguard to wait outside the coffee shop

and immediately spotted the woman sitting by

She was obsessed with her work, but unlike Tyler who was a commercial screenwriter, Coral only produced a prece every three years. Each of her works was well received, and having the opportunity

“Ms. Albright”

over and shook

stood up, her tone indifferent, “I’ve heard about you from Tyler”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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