Chapter 1150

Compared to other women who reveled in their animosity because of lan, Coral’s attitude was impressively patient.

For Maja, this made Coral all the more endearing.

“You’re fight not to be with him, Coral You two just aren’t a good match.”

Coral chuckled and finished her cup of coffee just as the school bell rang from outside.

“I’m sorry, but my little brother just got out of class. He’s in twelfth grade this year and I promised to have lunch with him. With his studies taking up so much time, I asked him to come here. I hope you don’t mind, Ms Pennyfeather”

Before coming. Maja had done her research and knew that Coral had a younger brother, though not by blood. Coral had adopted him, but the details of the adoption were not known.

A moment later, Maja saw a tall young man crossing the street. He was around nighteen, handsome, exuding a youthful charm. Quite a few students surrounded him, but his demeanor was strikingly similar to Coral’s–somewhat aloof.

Noticing Coral, he waved to his friends and quickly walked over


even glancing at

pulled out a lunch box from

for you.

sat down quietly, and started

couldn’t help but ask, “Coral, have you ever thought of getting your brother into the entertainment circle“”

shook her head “This kid is

hearing this. Barton looked at Maja, politely nodded,

students, this kid was somewhat reserved

had a feeling that the way

wisely chose not to bring it up now, but waited until Barton had finished his meal and left for class to ask

with Barton today? As far as I know you don’t spend a lot of time

Coral’s face

been at the top of his class. Recently, though, he’s slipped to being ranked over two hundred. His head/ teacher called me about it, so I came back from overseas. With standardized tests around the corner, I’m

it was as if he was trying to mimic her. Coral was somewhat aloof, and as a writer, she tended to get

could leave one feeling helpless.

in that helplessness, one might resort to desperate measures

script won’t be lacking investors. The chances of you picking me are slim, but I really love your script. I can try to befriend Barton You’re not the type to open up to people, Coral, but my company has many young people who might be able to get through to

at her skeptically “If you’re trying to get Barton into show business. Ms. Pennyfeather, forget it.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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