Chapter 1151

Tomorrow happened to be Saturday.

She responded to the message.

[Tomorrow at 10 am]

lan’s phone vibrated, and he initially thought it was just another spam message But when he opened it, he saw it was from Maja.

The files in his hands nearly dropped to the floor as he stared blankly at the message for a few seconds

[Okay! I know the incident with grandpa Holden wasn’t your fault. I was just too angry at the time. Can I pick you up tomorrow?]

After sending the message, he kept his gaze on his phone, hoping to see her reply as soon as possible

Looking at her phone, Maja didn’t know what to reply.

The incident with Grandpa Holden, she couldn’t explain it. Maybe lan’s friends thought she was involved. Everyone present at that time must have thought


was already dead, and she couldn’t argue otherwise.

still didn’t know why Grandpa Holden had given her the box to pass on to lan

knew there was a rattlesnake in the

and lan? But he


office, Elvis passed her some paperwork

her acting and losing quite a

had promised to rent the house next to Elvis’s in the company’s name once

feelings toward Elvis, and she really would show

future roles, and lifting her eyebrow, she was about to tease

her period of thriving. She’s acting with one of our company’s newcomers. We could have the manager stir up some rumors about them being a couple, to help

an eyebrow, deciding not

strategy so blatantly. Nevertheless, it was exactly what Maja had in mind. Without hesitation, Maja agreed. She predicted Wilma might make a fuss, but as a mature artist, it was a stage Wilma had to go through Maja worked until 9 p.m.

search again Rumors are saying that your parents


news disappear the

stepped out of the office building, only to see Judith waiting at the

outfit, carrying a designer handbag worth millions of dollars. She looked like a little princess until she saw Maja, at which point she stormed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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