At the Fitch's mansion.

Zoey peered through the narrow window, considering what to do next. She could leave if she wanted to, but something within her

resisted the idea of running away.

It was darkening outside. Fitch hadn't been hfor two days, and Zoey sensed something had gone wrong.

Her phone had been confiscated, cutting her off from the world.

She just sat by the window, resting her chin on her arms and breathing in the fresh air.

Then her stomach growled, as she had barely eaten the day she arrived and had thus struggled with an upset stomach.

Now, after enduring two days without food, she felt her insides were rebelling, and she had a futile retching that brought up


Thankfully, the housekeeper wasn't completely cruel - she had given her a pitcher of water each day.

Those two pitchers had sustained her, though the dizzying hunger and the stabbing pain of her ailment were almost unbearable.

As she lay by the bed, sweat beaded her forehead, and her shoulders rose and fell gently.

After having endured so much, she thought she was beyond feeling downtrodden. Yet, her eyes grew hot with unshed tears.

A car engine rumbled outside. She couldn't see it from her vantage point, but the sound was unmistakable.

Taking a deep breath, she resettled herself on the bed's edge.

As Fitch entered and handled his coat to a servant, someone asked, "Mr. Haskins, when can we serve Zoey sfood?"

With Fitch absent for the past two days, the staff had been hesitant to make any decisions.

Fitch paused, suddenly remembering Zoey's presence.

He didn't want to deal with her family; the mere thought of that brought him a physical repulsion.

"Where is she?"

him to a closed

he immediately saw

door clicked shut and Zoey's

chili peppers sat

he sneered, "What's the matter, not

with her stomach in knots, Zoey saw double before

"How's Mia?" she asked.

of Mia sent Fitch striding forward in fury, his fingers clamping

you sure you had no part

defiance was clear as she met his gaze, and she read the situation from his


on her chin briefly cleared her head; she felt his disdain

on her chin, it felt as though her

released her, and he kept eyes on her form before

and his presence

"Eat," he commanded.


a surge of defiance, she

shoveling the peppers

her face as she choked on

food, her stomach couldn't

she stuffed in a few bites, then she clutched


she expelled wasn't just the peppers but

of the

cigarette, he

table, he noted that only half

he opened the door to leave, but a thud from

closing the


out, he hurried back to

floor; with her forehead bleeding from

his pupils

scooped her into

open with a kick, and he carried her back to the sofa in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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