The doctor arrived swiftly, pumping her stomach, prescribing medications, hooking her up to an IV, and asking someone to heat up

a bowl of plain oatmeal.

"Mr. Haskins, her stomach condition is quite severe," the doctor warned in a clinical yet concerned tone. "For the next few months,

she should steer clear of anything spicy. For one month, she'd better only take in oatmeal, nothing rich or heavy."

Fitch wasn't sure whether he took in the doctor's words, his gaze lingering on Zoey's slender wrist.

When had her wrists gotten so thin that the veins stood out stark against her pale skin?

"Got it."

His response was tinged with impatience.

No sooner had the doctor left than his phone blared to life; it was a call from his mother, Sharon.

"Where are they?! Where the hell are they?! I want them locked up for good!"

Sharon's fury was palpable. She had always doted on Mia, her daughter, and now, knowing she was in trouble, she'd gladly tear

Zoey's family apart.

She'd been caring for Mia all day. Mia hadn't been causing a fuss, but nightmares plagued her, waking her up, claiming that she

was ruined.

Sharon was ready to rip Zoey's family limb from limb.

"Fitch, what about those two? Don't hand them over to the cops. I want them to suffer."

"My guys are on it."

Sharon breathed a sigh of relief, her teeth nearly grinding to dust. "And Zoey? Mia said she was behind it all. Where is she?"

Zoey's fingerprints all over it, and now

never let this woman off

who was

what Mia had gone through, he gently

I'll look

further, Mia heard those two talking! Hand Zoey

remained silent, and Sharon's tone softened

over; let her stay with you for a while.

only you

voice faded, the doorbell

reply, the maid had already opened

ordeal, the maid found tonight's Mia unusually

pulled down over her swollen eyes, Mia



bitch in our house?! I'll kill her! I'll kill

quiet these past two days, but

nearby vase, Mia hurled

Fitch grabbed her

Mia struggled fiercely.

go! I'll kill her! I'll kill

were shrill and grating, like

the commotion, her vision

twisted with rage, teeth

him let go,

You ruined my

an IV, felt

push Mia away but was too weak to make

tears streaming, tightened her grip on Zoey's neck; she was consumed

life and death, one’s unexpected strength can

shoved Mia away, only to receive a stinging slap across her


cheek, found the situation absurd. Was she in debt to the Haskins

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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