Chapter 329 Let Us Break Up
Right as Rayna was about to reject him, her phone vibrated. It was the sign of an incoming call.
Realizing Curtis was calling her, she told Ringo she had to pick up another call and ended her call with him.
Curtis’ deep voice crawled into her ear the moment she picked up the call. “I’ll be arriving at Norwal City Airport at ten in the morning. Will you be able to come back in time at noon? If you can’t, we’ll have dinner together instead.”
He found out from Gabriel that she was at Hallsbay, but he did not ask her why she was there for.
“Curtis…” Rayna sniffed. The truth had broken the dam of sorrow in her heart, and she did not know how she was going to word what she had found out to Curtis.
Ever since they made up with each other, they promised to share everything and not have any lies between them.
But should he know about that? He shouldn’t. Not even Jefferson should know about those matters.
Noticing how strange she sounded, Curtis softened his tone and said, “What’s the matter? Are you in trouble in Hallsbay? Do you want me to go there and bring you back?”
She did not answer him immediately; she only lowered her head and bit down hard on her lip as her eyes teared up.
How am I supposed to tell him this?
Right then, a pair of hands carefully embraced Rayna from the back before a head rested on the back of her neck.
The man’s voice was barely a whisper—it was more like a cry of a wounded animal. “Please… Please don’t leave me alone… I have nothing left now…”
Rayna remained frozen in her spot, but her tears rushed down her cheeks and landed on the dressing table.
Her eyes drifted toward the hand she propped against the table. There, a ring was on her ring finger.
The memories of her many encounters with Curtis until they became a couple, as well as the memories of him putting the ring on her finger on the cruise ship played again and again in her mind.
Without a doubt, she loved Curtis very much.

Rayna pushed away her emotions and calmly said, “Curtis, let’s break up.”
“Rayna, do you know what you’re saying?” Curtis’ tone turned frigid immediately. It seemed like he was furious, and it also seemed like he was anxious. “Where are you in Hallsbay? I’ll come to you now.”
“I said, let’s break up,” Rayna repeated. “I’m sick of you. We’re not a match, and you’re not my type.”
However, Curtis only asked again, “Where are you in Hallsbay?”
“I’ll get Jessica to give you the ring and the present back. Let’s end this.”
With that, she quickly hung up on him, her tears flowing out of her eyes uncontrollably.
If Curtis finds out about the truth, he’s going to kill Jefferson. But Jefferson helped me out at my most difficult times. I resent what he has done, but I can’t sit on my hands either. Arnaud knew everything that had happened. daily new chapters upload only on alaniniz(dot)com He only wanted to reveal a little of the truth and watch us destroy each other. The only thing I can do now is to break up with Curtis to stop his nefarious plan from succeeding.
Jefferson pulled her over to him. When he saw the tears rolling down her face, he wiped the teardrops away with his thumb. It seemed like his determination was wavering, for he said, “If you love him that much and want to go back to his side…”
It was breaking his heart for him to see her in such pain.
As Rayna looked at the bandages on his chest, she forced a smile onto her face. “I don’t want to. I’ve already broken up with him. Go and sit in the living room. I’ll make breakfast for you.”
A light entered Jefferson’s eyes at that. He nodded and headed to the living room.
After recomposing herself, she swiftly prepared breakfast.
At the same time, she called Jessica and told her to send the gifts back to Gabriel. She also told Jessica to ask where Jeremy’s lab was at if that was possible, for she could not go back anymore.
In a low voice, Jessica asked, “What about Mr. Faymon?”
I’ve broken up with him,” Rayna told her in a flat tone. “Everything is Boniel Terblanc’s fault. Curtis is innocent, and so is Jefferson. I don’t want to see them trying to kill each other.”
“I think I’ve done wrong… I shouldn’t have done this to you by telling you about those things.”
“You were spying on me for Jefferson, and you betrayed the trust I had for you. However, telling me these things earlier has helped me avoid a war. You don’t owe me anything anymore.”
“Nana…” Jessica sounded like she was crying.
“If you feel bad for me, help me,” Rayna pleaded. “Jefferson shouldn’t only have three months left to live. If he dies, I’ll go mad.”
She had already wronged one man’s life, and she could not go through that again.
Jessica’s sobbing stopped. “If that’s what you want to do, then go ahead. Call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you.”
Rayna then called James.
She knew the kind of person Curtis was; he would definitely send his men to find out where she was in Hallsbay. Thus, she asked James to help her buy a few hours’ time and told him about the meeting between Jefferson and Sandy.
When James heard that she had broken up with Curtis, he was silent for a while. Then, he said he would help her out and try not to let Curtis find out about her location.
Rayna was afraid that James alone would not be powerful enough to stop Curtis, and she knew how loyal Gabriel was to Curtis. After a while of contemplation, she called Cillian.
“Rayna, what’s up?” Cillian enthusiastically greeted.
“Are you still in Tyrandas?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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