[Bonus chapter for 1500... next week there will be bonus chapter per 350 powerstones instead >;] ]

The moment Xinghai said his injuries were caused by Leonel, it made the latter think of a few things. There was no one he injured like that. Could it be that Xinghai was referring to the canons Miles was using?

But, when Leonel saw the sniper rifle on his back, he realized something else. Could this have been the sniper he shot at? Shouldn't he be dead? Leonel had been very confident in that shot…

That was when Leonel understood. If that sniper managed to survive, there was an 84% chance that he had an ability that allowed him to do so.

Judging by Leonel's observation, there was a 7% chance this ability was defensive and a 91% chance that this ability was evasive. It was less likely to be defensive, or else Xinghai wouldn't be so injured. Leonel then decided that this ability was either related to high speed, some sort of invulnerability, or potentially teleportation.

In the beginning, Leonel had given teleportation the lowest odds because he intuitively knew it must be a rare high class ability. However, when Xinghai stepped toward him, Leonel realized his speed stat was far too low, so teleportation moved up a rank. That left invulnerability and teleportation.

So, Leonel set up a test with the grenade. He didn't believe that Xinghai's ability was impregnable, or else he wouldn't have been injured. He also didn't believe that Xinghai's ability had a long duration, or, again, he wouldn't have been injured.

This led Leonel to ultimately conclude that Xinghai's ability was short term invulnerability or short distance teleportation. Regardless of which it was… He was finished the moment he took Leonel's bait.

'This is really too inconvenient.' Leonel shook his head. 'If I didn't have to speak out loud to the dictionary, I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. It could have just directly told me what I needed to know…'

This event was one no one was destined to know about. It happened in a place without spectators and Leonel didn't even seem to care much about it. However… If others were to know what happened here… How Leonel, an 18 year old boy, played a Five Star Arms Professional to death while barely able to stand on his own two legs…

The world would come to know that a monster had awakened.

he looked at the card Xinghai

It was quite the opposite, actually. There was nothing this group wanted more than to be widely recognized and renowned. However, they were always pressed beneath the thumb

were either high ranking government officials or other unlucky individuals that

was. It was precisely the rebel army

them to the extreme. It was to the point that many weren't even aware

He was quite bold to wear it around on his neck like that. But, then again, he didn't exactly

in his hand. "… I'm not interested in joining, but I


that stood as tall as a mountain. Beautiful golds and silvers were all around, displaying

all across the land were gathered. If one were to not be aware of the Metamorphosis, it would be impossible to guess from this place that such a horrible event was going on. Let alone how immaculate the Ascension Palace looked from

there was one man who had so

on his wrinkles, maybe almost 60 years old. But, he had a youthful exuberance that rivaled a 20 year

own light. His eyes were like two green emeralds, twinkling as though they were gems. His beard was full and almost looked like a

and charismatic to the point of being untouchable. He had the kind

was Emperor Gervaise Fawkes. The man

with an ugly expression, explaining


as they listened to

because they were awakened as Variants?! What is your Royal Blue Province doing, Governor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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