The Ascension Royal Court was in an uproar.

They all knew that Emperor Gervaise Fawkes had had two children in his lifetime '” his eldest daughter and his younger son. The talent of the latter didn't need to be mentioned. Whether it was his intelligence, elegance, or personal strength, not a single one was lacking.

However, despite his talent, the Emperor never formally handed the Crown Prince title to him despite it being tradition to do so. No one was aware of the reason why. But, Gervaise Fawkes was a near mythical figure. Those who dared to question his decisions simply didn't exist anymore.

When it came to the princess, though... they were completely in the dark. The last time she was seen, she wasn't even ten years old. Since then, she hadn't made any public appearances. No one knew where she was.

It was only now, with the help of the Emperor's words, that they were aware that she was not only alive, but had married and even had a child? How could it be that the Nation's First Daughter could be married without them being informed? Just what sort of secret was hidden behind this?

Of course, many of them thought it was some sort of conspiracy. But, this idea was quickly thrown out. If it was as simple as the Princess disobeying her father and marrying a man he didn't accept, why would she disappear before she even turned ten? It can't be that she got married as a toddler, right?

In addition, judging by the Princess' age, she should be about 65 years old right now. But, her son was only 18. So, what secrets could have filled the time between her 10th birthday and her 47th?

Regardless of what the truth was, the royal court was at a loss.

The Emperor was encouraging them to go out and kill Leonel if they could, and even promised such mouth watering rewards. But...

Who of them actually dared to take the first step?


After the daily gathering of the Royal Court ended, the Emperor could be found silently meditating, a radiant smile on his face.

Swirls of Force slowly entered his body. Compared to Leonel, the speed was much slower. But, it seemed that he was taking his time as though taking a nice, slow paced stroll.

If one looked closely, it was possible to see the deep lines of wrinkles on the Emperor's face slowly receding. A long while later, he looked to be even younger than he had this morning.

"Imperial Grandfather."

Seeing that the Emperor had finally opened his eyes, a young man with sharp brows humbly kneeled before him.

also a bright white-gold, albeit a few shades dimmer than the Emperor. It seemed that the genes of the Fawkes were quite strong, because his eyes were also a

shoulders were wide and powerful. And, though he didn't dare to bring a weapon in the presence of his grandfather, the calluses on his

you come to see this old

didn't fade. He looked no different

have a cousin?"

a cousin for 18 years already. You're just a little older than

Emperor obviously knew what he meant by asking this question. The point wasn't that he had a cousin, the point was about why

it would be useless to ask directly. He had to find another

allow those nobles to try and kill

The Emperor's smile deepened.

worth much if it's grown

he more valuable to you than

way to settle the hearts of their grandson, but the Emperor did nothing of the sort.

father. And, his father is beyond what your mother could imagine.

was sighing in resignation along with him. This sort of answer, he wasn't surprised by it. What he was surprised by

gain such an evaluation? It even faintly sounded like even his Imperial Grandfather, a man who wasn't scared of anything,

why did cousin not

continuing to smile at Noah. But this only made the latter feel as though he was being drowned in

up in good environments often end up being useless."


yet in the same breath also say he didn't have a good environment to

"... Yes."

take part in your life just yet. Did

This was the first bit of happy news he had gotten since this conversation began. It was

that despite not being able to actively take part... Leonel's father still stayed by his side despite

better, Noah smiled

would like to leave the Ascension Province and seek out cousin. Then we can face his

Emperor shook his head. "No, this is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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