[Bonus chapter for 350 ps, next at 700 :) see? I can smile through the pain]

[ *Ping* ]

Leonel stood in confusion. Usually, the dictionary would respond right away, and even if it didn't, it would tell him that the information was omitted. So, what was going on?

A moment later, the hologram of his father gained life to it once more, causing Leonel's eyes to light up. It seemed his father had left more than one recording behind. Since this one activated now, it must mean that this was quite important.

"You finally activated this, little cry baby?" Leonel's father shook his head. "It's about time."

Leonel bit his teeth and remained silent, he refused to fall for the same trick twice. His father had gotten him once, but if he got him a second time, he would never live this down. So, he only silently watched as his father picked at his ears.

Luckily, it seemed that his father was already satisfied after tricking him once.

"I'm not certain which Familiar you've managed to get your hands on, but if it's a Metal Spirit, good. If it's not, it's still good. Regardless of how useful a Familiar is to you, remember to treat it like a partner and a friend. If I find out one day that you've treated it as a tool, I'll peel a layer off your ass with my palm."

'... So vulgar...' Leonel almost couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes.

"If you're smart, you've probably understood from my words that the most important part of a relationship between a Familiar and a Force Crafter is friendship and intimacy. The more in sync your hearts are, the better the results will be.

"If you've managed to find a Metal Spirit, just say 'Yes' and the dictionary will direct you to that recording."

"Yes." Leonel replied

father smiled, pushing

In fact, before our Morales Clan took them to be our favorites, they were quite looked down upon by the Force Crafter world. Most other Force Crafters prefer Flame

think of first. Wind Spirits are especially beloved by those who focus on the Force Art aspect of Force Crafting. Natural Intelligence Spirits have calculative minds far

as one of the best. Those with Metal Spirits are the best at crafting

without the small and simple. Thanks to this, our Morales Clan has a reputation in craftsmanship that puts dwarves to shame. One day, when you're confident, take a look at the mechanisms of that dictionary I left

Leonel's father laughed heartily.

such thing as making it submit. Well... there is, but I would never allow you to do such a thing. In fact, if you ever come across someone who has, you should directly kill

his father's voice made Leonel shiver. His father had never said something even remotely close to this. In fact, much of the reason Leonel's moral code was like it was, was due to his father's

hesitated for a moment. Leonel felt like his father was trying to decide whether or not to delete the recording

to nice food, and don't keep it imprisoned for too long. Let it roam free, it won't easily leave the side of a person it's familiar with. After all, in the beginning stages

Leonel nodded in understanding.

to other spirits, have a very high demand on the dexterity of their partner.

spend too long on Force Crafting. Your old man has made this mistake before. If I wasn't so fascinated with it in my youth, I would be ten times more powerful than I am now. But, I had to give others a chance, if I

that his old man really wasn't joking, then maybe his reaction would have been

deep breath and walked to the Metal

Leonel had appeared above it, it plopped down and formed a little puddle as though


Spirit shot up like a spring and hit the ceiling. Then, without a pause, it rebounded across

for keeping him locked up for so long, but it really was like a child. Its memory was short and the only feelings it seemed to have for Leonel were those of gratitude for setting it free. It didn't seem to remember that it was only locked up

Spirit grew tired of its new environment and settled down onto the table. Force began to whizz around it,

silently and allowed it to do

at once is limited. I can already faintly feel it dissipating. That probably means that I'll need to wait for the lab to replenish itself every time

what's the first lesson that old man left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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