[One of you guys mentioned that you might like to vote on the little guy's (Metal Spirit's) name, so I thought sure, why not? Feel free to comment your suggestions, I'll pick the one with the most likes :) don't be dirty, think of the children :'< ]

After this slip up, Leonel realized that he was most definitely not in the best state to continue pushing himself. He didn't know what he was thinking. He still hadn't slept a wink since the matters with the weremen and his body was collapsing on him. It was best that he set this aside and come back when his mind was fresh.

Luckily, after this, Leonel learned some useful things about the lab.

Firstly, the state of the lab was dependent on the amount of Force it had access to. Since this was only a Pseudo Fourth Dimensional World still in the process of completing its Metamorphosis, the lab could only enter what the dictionary called: Phase One.

Secondly, each Phase had two settings. One was the Lab Setting and the other was the Abode Setting. The Lab Setting was self explanatory, but the Abode Setting was geared toward resting and recovery.

Leonel was so happy he almost shed real tears. After entering the Abode Setting, the Metal Spirit was left in the Lab Setting, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

The Abode Setting of Phase One had one main attraction. It was a pool that was eerily similar to the one Montez allowed Leonel to bathe in. According to the dictionary, it was filled with Black Grade Soothing Waters. Leonel assumed that it could be improved by entering Phase Two.

The Black Grade Soothing Waters weren't very beneficial to increasing his strength any longer. But, it was perfect for speeding up his recovery.

That said, what Leonel loved the most about the Abode Setting wasn't the pool, but, rather, the bed. He wasn't sure if it was simply because of how tired he was, but he swore it was softer than a cloud. Without a doubt the best bed he had ever slept on.

Like this, Leonel did nothing in the next three days but sleep, eat octopus meat, and recover in the Soothing Water pool.


On the fourth day, Leonel dressed head to toe in the tactical gear he had stolen from the Fort and cautiously entered the Lab Setting to find the Metal Spirit still snoring away on top of the Force Skin Gloves.

Though Leonel inwardly cursed, he still resolved himself. He was already about 80% recovered by this point, so he felt his mind was much clearer.

Maybe the smartest thing to do would be to use the cube that had imprisoned it before to move it away, but Leonel took his father's words to heart. This little guy was meant to be his friend, his companion. Clearly, he didn't like being imprisoned. In that case, Leonel didn't want to antagonize him.

The rest of the process went surprisingly smoothly. The Metal Spirit, maybe due to having absorbed so much Force, was quite languid and just slipped right off the black gloves. If it wasn't for the little bubble it formed and popped on its surface to greet Leonel, the latter would have thought it hadn't noticed at all.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Leonel slipped the gloves on and left the little guy alone. For now, he still didn't know enough to interact with it. Then, he began his studies in earnest.

[ *Ping* ]

[ Book One: The Basics ]

[ Lesson One: Hazards ]

4. Finger Strain

your fingers. It is important not to execute complex movements before you're ready or else you can cause irreparable, hidden and lingering injuries to your hands. These


would never dare to say they know everything. This is why it's important to blueprint your ideas and test their feasibility. If two Force Arts clash and react violently, you may die before you know what happened. Refer to Book One: The Basics - Lesson Five: Force

17. Reactive

Dimensional Electrical Engineering

Fourth Dimensional Electrical Engineering

and Metal

have been overwhelmed, but Leonel soaked in everything he saw as though he was a sponge. He didn't seem to get bored or tired. In

had never mattered whether he loved to do something or not, he always took it with the utmost seriousness. In fact, compared to other things, since his father loved Force Crafting so much,

cleared the first Lesson of

[ *Ping* ]

Book One: The Basics

Stretches and

on what Leonel's father claimed

[ 1. Flexibility]

[ … ]

[ 2. Speed ]

[ … ]

[ 3. Strength ]

[ … ]

[ 4. Dexterity ]

[ 4.1 Precision ]

[ … ]

[ 4.2 Acceleration ]

[ … ]

[ 4.3 Deceleration ]

[ … ]

Force and Your

[ … ]

[ 6. Recovery ]

[ 6.1 Stretches ]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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