Leonel observed Supreme Monet for a long while. He didn't seem to be in any sort of rush to answer, a response that was quite shocking to many.

If others were in his situation, there would be one of two reactions. The first would be to immediately agree. After all, the authority of a Supreme wasn't something most were able to ignore.

The second option would be to explode in anger. There was no shortage of people who thought Monet's actions were excessive. In fact, those who knew how the relationships of the top echelon worked felt even more pity for Leonel.

Knowing that Leonel had Hutch's backing, it was only a matter of course that Monet would wait until this moment to ask this of Leonel. If she went to the Eastern Lookout to ask such a question, Old Hutch probably would have sent her packing.

For that madman, it wasn't even a matter of whether or not Monet's ask was appropriate or not, it was entirely about his own face.

However, Leonel's response was exactly the last thing they could have expected. Aside from a slight frown in the beginning, he hardly reacted to the words at all. In fact, even Monet herself frowned slightly seeing Leonel's response. She had been prepared for either of the two obvious responses, but this wasn't something she had been ready for.

To make matters worse, it seemed that this young man wasn't intimidated by her gaze or presence. He calmly scanned her up and down as though he was observing any other normal stranger he was meeting for the first time.

Eventually, just when the silence was beginning to weigh too heavily on everyone's chest, Leonel finally spoke.

"Sorry. The dictionary was left to me by my father. Giving it to another is impossible. I appreciate your asking first, though."

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with Leonel's response. Monet asked a question and he responded appropriately. So, why did they feel so embarrassed?

Monet narrowed her eyes slightly.

Seeing that the situation was turning bad, Big Buddha who had guilt eating at his heart this whole time, couldn't help but step forward to try to mediate.

it fell into the hands of The Empire, it could lead to a catastrophe. But, if it was in our hands, the chance we'd have to overturn

by the sudden change the situation suddenly felt she understood something after


understood, his next words caused them to freeze. "But, I honestly don't see much of a difference between you all and The Empire though. I can't tell

was shocked by what he was hearing. It wasn't just them, everyone here was shocked. They all saw themselves as a righteous faction fighting

Big Buddha's guilt seemed to completely vanish. At the same time, even Badger and Mayfly who had had a good impression of Leonel frowned deeply toward his words. Such a reaction didn't

And, those who hadn't had parents and

to feel quite confident

He didn't believe that anyone here could stop him from entering it. It was too close and his power was

a case of the strong oppressing the weak. Earth's Metamorphosis just began. Most people started at the same starting line. Even though Monet was more

could stop him if he was here either. As long as he was

"Young man…"

he hadn't moved to enter the Zone yet was because he wanted to know how this would end. Would Monet make a move against him

"Leonel Morales, is it…?"

is it that she was pretending not to know what it was now as though she already couldn't

such a woman, Leonel really had nothing to say. He couldn't even be bothered to have a back and forth with

a formal member of our Slayer Legion. I accept your decision, but there also doesn't seem to be an appropriate reason to allow you to

more, probably an entire spiel on why she was morally correct.

"What's her ability?"

stunned. It became clear in a moment that he really wasn't bothering

[ *Ping* ]

[ Generating nomenclature… ]


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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