At that moment, there was movement in the skies above.

In order to hide this place from prying eyes, the island had been covered in dense clouds. In fact, it wasn't just the island, but the surrounding tens of miles as well. With a single glance, even someone who wasn't quite informed could tell that these clouds couldn't have possibly formed naturally. It was obvious to Leonel that this was related to someone's ability.

Thanks to this, the island had been shrouded in a perpetual darkness even though it was midday. Maybe it was in part due to this that the atmosphere from earlier felt so oppressive.

That said, the clouds served no other purpose aside from concealment. They didn't seem to have any offensive or defensive ability, so when the uninvited guests descended from above in a silver ship, the clouds were completely unable to stop their descent.

The clouds moved aside and quickly reformed, revealing a small boat of about five meters in length. Its deck carried six people.

The man who had spoken earlier stood at the help and looked to be about the same age as Monet. However, to his back, there were five youths no older than Leonel or Mayfly.

Seeing these people appear, an ugly expression took hold of Monet's once calm visage. It was very obvious that she knew who these people were.


Suddenly, Monet sent a rage fueled gaze toward Leonel, leaving him speechless once again. He also didn't know who the hell these people were, why was he being looked at like it was his fault they had appeared.

However, after a while, Leonel sneered inwardly. To Monet, it didn't matter if he was responsible or not. All she had to do was pretend like he was. In such a way, she had even more reason to apprehend him. In fact, before, it could be said that her actions were still questionable. But now, even Old Hutch wouldn't be able to say anything.

'What a conniving woman.'

several calculations. To

was, of course, a small chance that this could make things worse for him. This was in the case the

easy way. Just give up six

who stood at the helm of the silver boat hadn't expected a Supreme to be here today. He had come as a precautionary measure so that these youths didn't lose their lives. Plus,

would have directly swooped in. In fact, it was an act of giving face that he only brought

if he had known a Supreme would be here, he would have definitely brought more people. Not so that they could enter, but so that they would have a stronger hand for

never expected was that an esteemed Supreme would come here for the sake of

stance. "Scram back to where you came from.

an eyebrow. 'Adurna family? Is

blue hair and eyes, Leonel felt that this was very likely the case. At the same time, he was speechless as well. What was with all these families having the same eye and hair

Leonel shuddered.

this is the way


not a single person expected to happen occurred. Leonel, without saying a word to anyone, suddenly dashed forward. His speed was so fast that sounds of the wind

Monet, even the man from the Adurna family

guts… weren't they

"You dare?!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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