Chapter 464 Proposing to each other

"The whole plan is written in the document, so don't pretend that you know nothing about it." James said in a calm tone and urged him, "Hurry up and go to work, we got no time to waste."

Hearing this, Julian was still in a state of confusion.

He took a look at the document he handed him.

The content in it was indeed all about the plan of how Captain Leon would propose to Sarah.


Sarah also told him that she would propose to Captain Leon that day.

Pushing his glasses up his nose with his finger, Robert came up to him and whispered."Don't say anything about this plan to Sarah. When the time comes, Jacob and Jim will give her a surprise, so keep it a secret now."

Julian was a bit dumbfounded.

Jacob and Jim were supposed to know that Sarah was going to propose to Captain Leon.

How come they changed their mind and decided to help Captain Leon this time?

Seeing the confusion on Julian's face, Robert asked. "What's wrong?"

"I remember that Sarah told me she has something important to do that day. Didn't she tell you this?" Julian asked tentatively. "Are you sure Jacob and Jim could manage to invite her here?"

"Of course." Robert said with certainty, "They have already come up with a great idea."

With disbelief in his mind, Julian quickly made a phone call to Jacob.

He wanted to know why their plan had been changed.

Who was going to propose at last? Captain Leon or Sarah?

When Jacob saw Julian's phone call, he soon knew what he was going to ask. Then he picked up the phone and said."The plan has been changed, Don't tell anyone else about our new plan right now."

"What exactly is our new plan now?" Julian asked with a frown, "We were supposed to help Sarah propose to Captain Leon according to the plan, why you suddenly changed your mind to help Captain Leon instead?"

"Well, because we never expected they would propose to each other at the same time," Jacob explained.

Julian, "What?"

So they both had the thought to propose.

What a creepy coincidence!

"Only you and me, Jim and Robert know this." Jacob knew that Julian would feel confused so he said in advance, "We need to help both of them finish their proposal, don't tell anyone about our plan."

It took a while for Julian to fully understand what was going on after he heard Jacob's words.

He didn't know much about Captain Leon's proposal and felt a little worried. "So who would propose first?"

"It's Sarah that sends Captain Leon flowers first according to the plan. After Sarah's proposal, they would soon go to the location where Captain Leon propose to her. " Jacob said.

"Captain Leon doesn't know anything about this, right?"


do if Sarah succeeds in proposing before

unreasonable for

time would be enough no

all right since

happened." Jacob said firmly, "Captain Leon has always been smart, even if we don't remind him, he would soon find out that Sarah was trying

to Captain Leon in

a heart-shaped formation

she would propose to Captain Leon under the

soon notice what was going on when he

Susan show up.

Captain Leon couldn't notice it in time, he still got plenty of chances to put the ring on

smile on

words, Julian was

deep of his

Captain Leon

would surely make everyone know that Captain


hung up the

to his work to fulfilling their new

she already made up her mind to share

Susan and Zack.

of them were shocked when they heard that she was going to

couldn't believe what he heard and asked, "Are you sure that you want to propose to Will instead

I'm sure."



propose to you? I guess that's

to propose to

Sarah knew that Captain Leon would surely propose to her sooner

but she also wanted to tell him that she liked him too, "It's just because I want to be with him as soon as possible, so I

to him first."

her words,

thought it was a man's duty to

his beloved was also planning

would be

all, this was not

also better than countless sweet

time comes, please help me send him a bouquet.

mainly for discussing when to propose,

me this weekend?"


about this?" Zack narrowed his eyes and

should take the initiative to propose

Will had

every part of this plan is top secret," Sarah told


how to do

and was as

was sure he could

Zack finally nodded and decided to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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