Chapter 465 I won't make it difficult for you

The two of them have been childhood friends for more than 20 years, and their families also got along with each other very well.

In the other words, they were the perfect match in every aspect.

Finally, Zack made up his mind to propose to Susan.

"Tomorrow I'll take you to buy a wedding ring." Zack was looking forward to marrying Susan into his family, "After that, I will propose to you formally as soon as possible."

Hearing his words, Susan didn't say anything in response, but the weak smile on her face already told Zack her answer.

Zack never felt so happy in his life.

But when the two had dinner together.

Zack suddenly lost in thought and was about to ask Susan something.

Noticing the serious look on his face, Susan took the initiative to talk.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" Susan asked in a soft tone.

She had already decided to answer all his questions and be honest with her future husband.

Even If he wanted to know what kind of wedding dress she liked the most, she would tell him sincerely.

Because she didn't want to make him feel worried.

"Susan......" Although Zack was afraid of making her angry, he still plucked up the courage and asked, "Do you still like that young master of the Davis family now?"

Susan, "What?"

Susan put down the tableware and frowned.

Looking at her reaction, Zack's heart thumped.

It seemed that she still liked that man.

"It's okay, I'm just curious. Whether you like him or not, I will always be with you......" Zack felt a little disappointed when he said so. He dared not propose to Susan in the past 20 years just because he thought she liked that man, not him.

Hearing this, Susan rolled her eyes and said nothing.

"Susan, promise me that you won't leave me alone after I propose to you. If you want to be with him afterward, I won't let you go." Zack didn't dare to look into Susan's eyes when he said these brave words.

Susan shook her head and sighed helplessly.

It seemed that Zack's EQ was much lower than what she expected.

"I would never let you go no matter what happened." Zack said so with a serious face, "So when I propose to you, you have to think it over before giving me the answer."

He did not want to say these words when proposing, so he decided to say them in advance.

what kind of decision Susan was going to make at

never go

ever done an EQ test before?" Susan asked him

Zack, "No, I haven't."

recommend you improve your


a loss for what

somehow he felt that Susan was scolding

face at that moment, but she soon realized that she never

Zack replied in a calm tone. He just wanted to know why Susan changed her mind in such

10 years since she fell in love with the young

why he felt worried about

him, he would not forget his beloved

very emotional since he was a

finally decided to tell him the

I was young, and I will continue to love him for the rest of

Zack, "What????"

Zack, "Really???"

this, Zack's mind

could say

"How could you......

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

like this!" Zack said so with his eyes filled with

changing your

shook his head and tried his best to figure

felt so regretful to ask her

he who made her change

childhood, so I would never forget him." Susan


called her name in

felt like himself just

the Davis family call you just

the table and asked angrily, "Didn't you say that he

in love with someone else? He is


of Susan's expectations, Zack chose to comfort her instead of


Although he was angry.

not being able to keep her by his

only silly but also kind. Even if she didn't confess her love for

her side.

with tears, Susan was touched by his silly words at

called his name and said in

fool in


fool on


if I still think about getting married and having children with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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