Wayne's annoying voice rang in Olivia's ears. She didn't even want to turn around to face him.

It was apparent that she was unhappy that he forcefully brought her to another country.

Wayne grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

"What are you doing? I can walk on my own."

Wayne pulled her to the master bedroom. The room was around 2,000 square feet. It was very spacious.

The floor was covered in a white fur carpet. The decor in the room was as grand as the rest of the presidential palace. There were quite a few famous paintings on the wall.

It didn't seem like Wayne was the one who decorated the room. His predecessor was probably the one who did it.

He let go of Olivia's hand.

"My home is big, right? You can wear whatever you want and eat whatever you want. You can live comfortably as long as you don't try to escape and provide me with the treatment I need."

"I understand." Olivia was actually acting docile for once.

"Make your preparations while I take a shower."

After that incident in Dexim City, Wayne had lowered his guard toward Olivia significantly. They were in his residence right now, so he was completely unguarded.

know her surroundings that well yet, so she didn't dare to make a move. She wasn't sure if he had spy cameras in his bedroom. It was best if she

age. The famous paintings she had only seen in the pages of books were all in this bedroom. All of them were original

Wayne's predecessor was a hardcore

out of the bathroom to see Olivia, who was filled with excitement.

sometimes go in for a closer look at the strokes, choice of colors, and how


appeared in Olivia's eyes. "Of course, they're interesting. These

if you like them

— - - J — - -■ —

own nose. "You're giving them to me? Do you even

that hung loosely on his waist. A large swathe of his tanned skin was

just trash to me. They won't

Olivia exclaimed with a pained


went to lie down on the bed. "Massage my head for me. You're quite good

next to the bed and sat down. She

her skilled movements, Wayne asked, "Have you

course." Olivia


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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