Chapter 271 Depends on Your Decision

Just when the atmosphere froze to the extreme, it was Jason who spoke first.

He stared straight at the two children with deep eyes, and said, “So… when did you know about this?”

Only then did the two children realize that they had slipped their tongues.

Lyla didn’t dare to say anything, and looked at her brother helplessly.

Lucas was also a little flustered at the beginning, but seeing that mommy didn’t seem to blame him, he immediately became confident, “We knew it from the beginning!”

Jason was not too surprised after listening.

I should have guessed it a long time ago, the two children have always been smart, it is impossible not to know!

He nodded, then looked at the woman in front of him, and asked again, “What about you? You already knew?”

Hearing this inquiry, Aletta felt a chill, and her scalp was a little numb.

I always feel that the tone of the other party is a bit scary…

However, she was tired after pretending for so long.

Let’s talk about it now, so we can save it and be on guard everywhere later!

Aletta simply admitted, “Yes, I already knew!”


His guess last night was right!

Jason’s face became more and more cold, and an indescribable anger was pressing on his chest.

This woman knew everything, but deliberately pretended not to, and acted in front of his eyes for so long!

Really good acting!

Thinking of this, frost was all over Jason’s handsome face.

It was also at this time that Jenny finally recovered.

She was so irritated by the two children’s words, she ignored it immediately, and said sharply, “You… how can you talk to grandma like this? Back then, this woman *abandoned you and didn’t want you… you still stand up for her say!”

“You’re talking nonsense, my mommy didn’t want

right, mommy is the

at the two cute and soft children, all defending Aletta, and her chest hurts with anger, “You really

prevent her from saying anything irreparable, Mr. Hill’s son–in–law interrupted, “Enough! Don’t say any more! At the beginning, Aletta girl didn’t want a child! The child was sent to Hill Family for other reasons, she never

an elder, speak in moderation!

“Dad, what’s going on?”

Jay Hill also spoke.

everyone thought it was

like there was some

“It’s a long story… This matter

son’s marriage at the beginning, and now you are the least qualified

How can this work!

care about

suddenly became impatient, and tried to fight,

son–in–law said with anger, “Don’t understand people’s words? In the

Jenny’s face flushed instantly.

shouted angrily, “Okay, okay! You are a family, and this is all

this, she turned

Jay Hill shook his

mother, you and Aletta, how you want to deal with

Hill Family left, Mr. Old still

two young people probably have a lot to say, and

rescue and said, “You two, do you want to find a place to

for the child

this, Aletta looked

time to

So she agreed, “Okay.”

naturally had no

two left the hospital and found a

they each ordered two cups of

to speak out and asked, “When did

her coffee, and answered

Jason narrowed his eyes and asked, “Is that when

her heart: Of course not, I knew it the

cannot be

not important when you found out, what’s important is… What did Mr. Hill mean by what he

was changed, and Jason didn’t pursue the topic just now,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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