Chapter 272 Be gentle with her

“not qualified?”

Jason’s complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes shot a biting coldness,” Aletta, the current situation is that you are at a disadvantage. Are you sure you want to fight for custody with me? If so, I can accompany you!”

These words are blunt and do not give people the slightest hope.

The aura between the two is also incompatible, as if they want to wipe out the improved relationship today!

Aletta’s complexion was also not very good, her lips were tightly pursed, and a trace of powerlessness and loss flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Although she knew long ago that it would not be so easy to get her two children back.

But now she opened up, facing the man’s coldness and unyielding attitude, it was like a mountain blocking between her and the children.

She can’t get through, and she doesn’t have the ability to shake the mountain.

Aletta’s fingertips felt cool, and her whole body cooled down.

So much effort wasted in vain, after all, to no avail….

Seeing the change in the woman’s expression, Jason’s expression was cold, not half- hearted.

He is also dissatisfied.

That was the child he brought up himself, how could he give it up.

The two held their own opinions, and the final result, naturally, broke up unhappy.

Back at the hospital, the two children and Mr. Hill’s wife could clearly feel that the atmosphere between them was not right.

Seems like… talk broke down?

Mr. Hill’s son–in–law quickly asked his grandson with his eyes, “What’s going on?”

Unexpectedly, Jason ignored it directly.

The two children also looked at their mommy carefully, with nervous and worried eyes.

time they saw such a mommy, it felt

of the two children, Aletta’s heart warmed slightly, and the coolness

my clothes, and make you some medicinal food at noon, which will help repair your stomach, and you

children listened, nodded

ward for too long. Aletta turned around to drag her luggage, and said

left, Mr. Hill’s son–in–law immediately dragged Jason to the outside of the ward, and said with a bit of anger in his voice,

woman’s resolute and ruthless words, Jason’s face darkened again. and he confessed

startled, let go of

it to

wonder the girl spared no effort to hide it from them, probably because she knew about

she would have come

from beginning to end, and he

the child, and it was normal for her to

Hill’s wife looked away, and immediately asked, “Then what do

no smile in his

agree, she can’t think about it! If you

This brat!

not be made into steel, and stared at him with disgust on his face, “Is there no other way for

I do, now Aletta wants to

Jason’s face was livid.

the words came out, Mr. Hill was so angry that his self–cultivation was ruined, and he cursed speechlessly, “She insists, so you just fuck her? Or how can you say that

What does this mean?

up and asked.

Hill gave him a blank look, and said, “You still don’t understand? Take this opportunity to get back together

be gentle with them. Why

than anything else. If she insists on being tough, then you can use softness to overcome toughness! Oh, sooner or

anger in Mr. Old’s heart also

it, he might die soon, so he didn’t

the words

end of the corridor in the distance without moving, his

was always depressed and her mind was in a mess

advance, the Rogers Family, Otto and

are you

their expressions, Aletta

and Lyla were hospitalized, Hill Family over there, didn’t tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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