Chapter 358 No one is qualified to move his people

After hearing these words, Aletta was already dumbfounded.

This man… is he so caught off guard every time he asks a question?

Last time I suddenly asked if I wanted to marry him, and now I asked again if I liked him …

It catches people off guard every time!

It’s just that his expression looked a little serious, casually perfunctory, and he couldn’t bear it.

Aletta was thinking about how to answer, when there was a sudden exclamation from the side, followed by a muffled. ‘bang’.

It seemed to be the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

The two couldn’t help turning their heads to look at the moment.

It’s Flora awake!

When she opened her eyes just now, she saw that she and Ray were almost hugging each other, and she was so frightened that she kicked him out on the spot.

Ray got kicked and fell so badly that he woke up in shock.

“Miss, what are you doing?”

He sat on the ground speechless and asked.

Flora said, “I still want to ask what are you doing? I, I, I … how come I’m with you?”

Ray rubbed the sore place from the fall, got up, and said angrily, “What’s more, last night you slept next to my sister-in-law, and you suddenly turned over midway, and almost fell into the fire.

If it wasn’t for my sharp eyesight and quick hands to stop you, you would be disfigured, you know! It’s really kind and unrewarding … you still kicked me! If you fell disabled just now, are you responsible?”

Flora felt a little embarrassed when she heard what he said.

So this is ah!

She said with embarrassment, “My fault, my fault, I’m sorry, my benefactor, I shouldn’t have kicked you, are you okay? Did you hurt from the fall? Are you hurt? Let me help you…

“Hey, where are you touching? I know I’m handsome, but don’t take advantage of this opportunity …

Aletta couldn’t help laughing when she saw the two live treasures making a row with energy. chers

She looked in the direction of the sunrise again, and it took a while before she said, “Probably…

and then realized that she was answering the

meaning, probably

his lips and said, “Although this answer is not very

a firm tone, he held Aletta’s

her, he is bound to

she had to admit that she had gradually withdrawn her defense against

neglected back then, as well as the uneasiness of

I might agree

the way,

suddenly remembered something

“not yet.”Jason said.

puzzled, “How could it take so long? The man should not be able to move, nor could he go

about this, Ray next to him

and Aletta

enough, Eaton stepped on the steps and came up from

the shirt inside was dirty in many places, and he looked a little

to Jason and shouted

nodded slightly and asked, “How is

aside, and said,

guessed something, and immediately walked aside with

followed, and asked impatiently, “Have

out an ‘hmm’, but his expression became serious, and he said, “I found it, but


Was killed?

sank suddenly, “How could it

he jumped last night was full of rocks and cliffs. He should have just been injured at the time and didn’t

that there are


to move his

cold, and

“I have asked our people to search, but the effect is not great. There were too many people who came to this mountain last night. Finding out that person’s companion is tantamount

has been busy since last night and has

knew that this was not easy, so he

photo album, and called up

Jason took a look.

in the photo has an ordinary appearance and nothing special. He belongs

phone to the side and asked, “Do

glanced at her and immediately shook her

nodded, returned the phone to Eaton,


I’m afraid it’s not a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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