Chapter 359

Hearing this, Aletta smiled, “If that’s the case, then I won’t tell you! Chasing people is the most taboo and impatient thing. This is where you are going. Mr. Hill has to keep working hard!”

After speaking, she raised her hand and patted Jason on the shoulder, turned around and got out of the car.

Jason looked at the back of Aletta leaving happily, raised his eyebrows slightly, and pondered the meaning of her words.

Eaton sat in the driver’s seat and said, “Congratulations, you are a big step closer to success! Miss Aletta, you have obviously begun to accept your pursuit, and I think you will be married soon…

Jason heard Eaton’s words, a smile appeared on the brow.

It can be seen that he is in a happy mood at the moment.

“Let’s drive,” Jason said to Eaton.


When Aletta entered the house, the four children had already gone to school, and only Rogers and the old lady were at home.

At this moment, the two elders seem to have just finished answering the phone, and their expressions are not very good.

Seeing this, Aletta put down her backpack and asked, “Grandma, what’s wrong?”

Mrs. Rogers heard her granddaughter’s voice, turned her head, and forced a smile on her face, “Are you back? Did you have fun?”

Aletta nodded, “Very happy…”

She asked persistently, “Can you tell me what happened?”

She could see that when the two elders faced her, although they had smiles on their faces, the actual smiles did not. reach their eyes.

The two elders hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, “It’s not about the couple.

Aletta understood right away.

Probably Louis Rogers and Bonnie Blake did something again.

She was too lazy to inquire about those two people, but if they made the two elders worry about it, it would not work!

Aletta frowned and asked, “What happened to them?”

silent for a while, sighed again, and said, “It’s your father… Yue De, who made a fuss about asking Adam and Lenny to do a DNA test. Right now, he’s in the hospital, making a fuss

to Aletta, she was speechless for a while, and she

“Grandpa and grandma, are you going

nodded, “Now

things got worse and worse, so they had to find a way to

take you

but she didn’t worry about the two elders

“No, you just got home,

didn’t want her granddaughter to be involved

and said, “I don’t feel relieved to

them off, seeing this,

the two

Rogers Family were there

there was

was tall and slender, wearing a set of casual clothes. The baggy clothes couldn’t hide his

listless, his skin is too pale, and he feels a little sick, and his temperament is also a little

it, it gives people a strong

it for a while, and found that the other person’s eyebrows and eyes

had some guesses in her

It might be Lenny!

Rogers Family also saw him, and immediately said, ” Lenny, are you back

looked up, and first greeted, “Grandpa

replied, “Well, my family

Aletta next to him.

the two met

attitude was alienated and

didn’t have much feeling

To her, the man in

in dealing with her

didn’t go home for several years, and he felt a little strange with his relatives, let alone his sister, whom

immediately, “Since everyone

Blake had an angry expression on his face, and the words almost came out of his teeth, and said, Louis Rogers, don’t go too far! I’ve said it all, Adam and Lenny are both your children! You still insist on Come

did this, have you ever thought about their

wife’s questions, Louis Rogers looked

a bit of sarcasm in his

do you have a guilty

woman blocking the door of the blood drawing room,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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