Chapter 286 Jason’s intentions and intentions

Aletta looked at Jason in surprise, as if he didn’t expect that this man would take the initiative to care about this one day.

But she didn’t agree right away.

“What, is there a problem?”

Seeing that she was silent, Jason asked.

“No, I just want to refuse.”

Aletta said calmly, “This time for Grandpa’s birthday, I don’t plan to invite too many people, but a few relatives and acquaintances, and booked the Grand Hyatt Hall together, which is a bit overkill.”

Hearing that, Jason couldn’t help looking at her, ” Grandpa Rogers probably has a lot of friends, and Rogers Family also has a lot of clients. Since it’s for Mr. Old’s birthday, shouldn’t it be grand?”

Hearing his words, Aletta’s expression froze suddenly, she didn’t know what to think of, and immediately said, “No need, grandpa and grandma don’t want too many people, just want to have fun with acquaintances.”

Jason looked at Aletta and asked, “It’s rare for you to do it for them, are you sure?”

Aletta didn’t answer.

She thought of her wedding day a few years ago.

Rogers Family also invited many guests.

At that time, Gail fell downstairs, and many people were present.

Later, those who secretly poked her back and gossiped were also those people.

Are you going to re–invite them…

Aletta didn’t want to at all.

This time, she just wanted to have a good birthday for grandpa, not those messy things.

“Sure, I don’t book the Grand Hyatt Hall. However, I can book a smaller banquet hall.”

Jason gave her a nonchalant look.

He could feel some changes in this little woman’s mood.

.It seemed cold and distant.

figure out

unwillingness disrupted

planned to arrange for her to be innocent


busy in the kitchen for lunch and the children’s

the Hill Group’s land in Rogers Harbor is going to be built into a complex technology city, and intends

be no invitations, there will be more people, and they will try their best

understood what his master meant, and immediately nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll do

arrangements, Jason

the next

keeps getting calls from

when everyone calls, the first sentence is to ask, “I heard that Mr. Rogers Family Old’s birthday is coming soon, so come early to say

about the time

Dividing into pages now.


1268 Vouchers

also said that on the day of the banquet, he must

Rogers was flattered and, at the

so many people to congratulate Old Mr. on

of these customers have a higher


home, he couldn’t help but share

heard the sound, “Is

what Louis

decline for the past two years, and it is

mentioned by Louis Rogers even

of a sudden, Bonnie Blake is not excited about

“of course it’s true!”

just, how did those

it, he explained the reason, “It’s all because of Jason! In the past few

said that the land is going to build a complex

opportunity. It’s just that some people couldn’t get in touch with Jason, so they made a detour and called you to pass through

listening to Adam Rogers, Louis Rogers suddenly

No wonder.

Hill Family project been confirmed? If Rogers

all boats

said, “The news is

Rogers to lobby, “Husband, this is a good opportunity, we must not give up such

us say a few good words at the birthday banquet, our company will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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