Chapter 287 I’ve been caught by this man

Flora was very efficient, and quickly found out what Aletta wanted to know, and reported the names of several groups to her in one go.

‘The more Aletta listened, the more she frowned.

“These are all well–known big companies in the United States.”

Flora looked at Aletta and said.

Aletta obviously knew it too, so his eyebrows frowned even deeper, “If you refuse, it should be easy to offend people, right?”

“Yes.” Flora replied.

Aletta was speechless.

What is it all about!

Flora nodded sympathetically, “I don’t know who it is, who has nothing to do and spreads such news!”

Now, good friends are in a dilemma.

In the evening, Aletta went to Hill Villa as usual to make medicinal meals for the two children.

She looked at the time and purposely lingered for a while, and when Jason came back from work, she asked, “I have something to ask you, my grandfather’s birthday party, a well–known story, do you know?”

After hearing this, Jason raised his eyebrows slightly, “I know, what’s wrong?”

Aletta said, “What’s the matter with the land in Rogers Port? Such a major project, even if the Hill Group really intends to share the profits, it must be aimed at a small number of powerful groups. Those who know should not There are a lot of them? Why is it spreading so much?”

Facing her question, Jason looked calm and calm, “It’s not a secret, there’s nothing you can’t say, it doesn’t matter.”

Chapter 287 I’ve been caught by this man

258 Vouchers

Aletta, however, frowned.

Jason took two steps closer to her, “You seem troubled?”

It’s okay if he didn’t say anything, but when he opened his mouth, Aletta couldn’t help but glared at him. “Of course I’m troubled, it was originally just a simple birthday party, but now it’s so complicated, it seems to be your investment promotion conference!”

Jason smiled, his brows and eyes softened a bit.

He said, “I’m not planning to discuss business at the dinner, but…”

you find it troublesome, I’ll find someone to help you deal with. and screen them out. As long as they are unsuitable guests, they will be removed from the list and try to control the number of people. The

questioning tone, but when Aletta heard

she seriously considered his

honest, this suggestion

things like banquets have to be arranged by professionals. That way you will save a lot of trouble. Your perfume is not finishing recently. stage? You are still running

he said this, Aletta

really didn’t have enough time, and she was a

finally nodded, “Then

is happy to see the result, “Okay. Then let someone come to see you tomorrow morning, and you can tell them your requirements and

was still

she always has

288 Vouchers

wrong, I can’t figure it out for

Aletta left from Hill

“The owner of the imported supermarket has

his expression and asked, “Where’s

“Our people are watching.”


the person to the police

has to take care of it herself, the rest can be handed over

his master’s words, and immediately lit the wax for

and the other party would not be able to

nodded, “Then I’ll tell them

hurry, what’s the situation with

a lot of people have taken the initiative to show their affection to the Rogers Family,

seems that everything is going as

the master naturally counted

day, Aletta had breakfast and sent the two children

he was going to pick him up to have dinner

call, he immediately turned


been caught by

154 (Vrachers.

Aletta. We eat well, sleep well, and don’t want to go out. Besides, the Aletta girl doesn’t

Louis Rogers came to Rogers today with a

is not achieved, where

said, “Then I won’t go in, I’ll just wait outside the villa, you


Louis Rogers finished speaking, Rogers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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