Chapter 253 Let me say one more thing, I will destroy you

Aletta’s words obviously showed no sympathy.

Bonnie Blake was furious immediately, pointing at Aletta, spitting wildly in his mouth.

Aletta, you are so terrific in doing things, you are not afraid of retribution! I heard that you also gave birth to two wild species, the two So small, you are not afraid of them…”

Seeing her about to say something vicious.

Aletta’s face darkened in an instant, and she threw the bag in her hand directly!


Bonnie Blake dodged in fright, so she didn’t say what was in her mouth.

Unfortunately, the bag missed her and fell to the ground.

Aletta looked stern, looking at Bonnie Blake, the cold light in her eyes could almost freeze to death.

She was cold and warned,” Bonnie Blake, dare to curse my child, I will destroy you!”

As her words fell, the entire living room was instantly enveloped in a terrifying atmosphere.

Bonnie Blake was frightened, and a little fear appeared inexplicably in his heart.

Her mind was blank, and she was a little slow.

The two Rogers Family on the side also had a splitting headache after seeing such a commotion.

The old lady directly pushed Bonnie Blake with her hands, and said angrily, “What do you want to scold, what do you want to curse? Do you want to curse my two precious great–grandchildren? How dare you!”

“Mom, I’m not…”

Bonnie Blake tried to explain, but was interrupted mercilessly.

Chapter 253 Let me say one more thing, I will destroy you

“Get out! Get out of here…”

the old lady spoke, she kept pushing her hands out


this, Louis Rogers wanted to stop it, but Mr. Old stopped

face, there was

away too! I don’t have a birthday, but even if I want

could only

around with

Old Mr.

couple were

a bang, the

Clean up the house.

where she was, looking at the floor stepped by the Rogers Family, feeling

back, and seeing their granddaughter, they couldn’t

tone, ” Girl, I’m

I thought

expression on her face, “We won’t let them in again in the

and quickly said,

soon as the two heard this, they knew that the relationship between their granddaughter and the Rogers

Dividing into pages now

they don’t force

hope that my granddaughter and a few great–grandchildren will

didn’t want to worry the two of them, so she quickly collected her emotions and asked,


and said, “Then I’ll ask them

Rogers Family couple returned home, they

through the door. “That white–eyed wolf is really not a thing! If I knew she was born back then,


couldn’t help but say,

I say

talking, Gail was carrying soup and came out of the kitchen, “Mom and Dad, are

an apron, Bonnie Blake was surprised for a second, then asked, ” Gail, why


looked at the table full of food, and their anger dissipated

Gail is still well–behaved,

“For this kind of thing, let the servants do it in the future,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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