Chapter 252

After these words came out, the faces of several people present became paler and paler.

‘Lotus felt relieved immediately, and didn’t talk nonsense with them, turned around and said to the general manager, “Hurry up and get busy, don’t waste time.”

The general manager nodded and left quickly.

As for Ruby and her agent, their faces were ashen…

When Aletta went back, it was Jason’s car.

She left her car to Lotus.

After the car started, Jason asked her aloud, “Why do you suddenly want to come and watch the filming?”

He originally thought that she didn’t like to participate in these things, and she just stayed in the laboratory.

“I’m not so busy at work, so I came here after being invited by Lotus. I’m also a little curious and want to see the filming process. But I didn’t expect this to happen. You won’t blame me for delaying your company’s filming, right?”

Jason was a little amused when he heard this.

“What do you think? If I blame you, I won’t accept your opinion.”

Hearing this, Aletta breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good.”

The two chatted all the way until the car arrived at the Hill Group headquarters.

When Aletta was about to get out of the car, there was a sudden buzzing sound from his pocket.

She withdrew her hand that was about to open the door, took out her phone and looked at it, the moment her eyes touched the screen, there was a flash of surprise.

The person on the other side of the phone is a judge of the International Perfume Association and Aletta’s former teacher abroad– Calia.

Calia has a lot of support for Aletta, and has helped her overcome bottlenecks many times, which can be regarded as a guiding light for Aletta on the way to a top perfumer.

Aletta couldn’t help picking it up with a smile, and asked, “Teacher, why did you call ‘me today?”

Calia didn’t keep it secret, and didn’t intend to reminisce about the old days. She said very straightforwardly, “Recently, I was busy with the competition, and found a perfume that looks a bit like your handwriting, so I called to ask you.”

your work, or

other party’s gentle and calm voice came from the phone, like a pool of

“Which one?”

raised her eyebrows and asked

up the document at hand, glanced at

this, the smile in Aletta’s voice became more obvious, “To tell you the truth, this was indeed developed


say, this fragrance formula is very bold, and only you dare to make it, and the fragrance

the signature not ZL Institute,

this matter clearly in a short time, so she had to respond, “This is a long story, let’s talk about it in detail when we meet.

happier. “Okay, there’s no rush,

chatting for a while,

her, Jason asked, “Who’s calling? Is

“My teacher recognized the perfume from Hill Group, and I developed it, so


seemed interested in

and explained. “The person who has helped me a lot abroad

and continued to ask, “When

the deadline for the contest, and it’s fine to pass one day

the front

just about to get out of the car

this, his hands

turned her head and asked. “Are you going

“Any questions?”

unhurriedly, “I’m the boss, so

trivial matter, and you

Aletta couldn’t believe it.

has so many industries, how many can make more money than

competition, why

her and didn’t say why

just said without changing his face, “I am very concerned

silently in his heart: Get over it, you

insisted on

just thought that it was a bit strange to travel

talk to her two children, grandparents, and the others about her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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