Chapter 249 You Really Take Yourself Seriously

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of several people at the scene changed for a while, and they all looked not very well.

‘Especially Ruby.

In order to shoot this commercial, she rushed to the night scene all night. In the middle of the night, she flew back in a hurry, slept for less than three hours, and was called over to do makeup again. She was extremely tired.

Now, to be picked and picked by an outsider is really extremely uncomfortable.

Ruby was very unhappy at the moment.

She has always been a person who is held in the palm of the hand, and at this time, her words are naturally a little arrogant, “Director, I have made a schedule for these two days with great difficulty, just to shoot this commercial well, and now I am delaying like this.“, two days may not be enough!”

The director was also a little unhappy.

But for the sake of Lotus, he held back his emotions and said to Aletta and the others, “If this matter had been brought up earlier, we would definitely have considered it, but now there is too little time.”

“Besides, the planning proposal submitted before did not have any special requirements for makeup. Therefore, it is impossible to change this makeup.”

After saying this, the director looked at Lotus, his tone slowed down a bit, and he said, “Vice director Blake, this lady, although you brought her here, I still want to say that we are professional…

Not to mention, you haven’t even spoken yet. Is it not good for her to exceed her authority like this?”

When Lotus heard this, he wanted to laugh.

These ones are usually used to being praised by others, but they have a big temper.

She was dissatisfied after being said a few words, and tried to provoke the


Chapter 249 You Really Take Yourself Seriously

relationship between her and Aletta, which is really funny!

If this group of people knew Aletta’s identity, they would probably regret it, right?

Lotus didn’t bother to talk to her, and said directly, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what she said. This makeup is really not good.”

288 Vouchers

words came out, the surroundings became quiet, and it

face froze

and the manager’s faces were also ugly, as if they were blocked by something, it was very

director Blake, is it clear that he wants

couldn’t help frowning

with beautiful eyes, and asked, “Miss Tang, do you really stock up on a lot of perfumes? Have you heard about the Ray series,

gravity of the product, so what kind of commercials do you want to be, and what kind of spokesperson should you be?”

face turned blue and white after hearing this, and the

television industry, she has been

she is already a new

and said harshly, “I can’t be the spokesperson,

saying that, she shook her hands and turned to enter

the agent quickly chased after her to

also one head and two big, and he chased after him and repeatedly comforted him.

and Aletta

pages now

You Really Take

268 Vouchers

both of them

others, and I really take myself

Lotus sneered.

entertainment industry. After watching it for a long time, she

of mud can


is a common thing

” Aletta, don’t take it to heart, you are right about this matter, the perfumes developed by your subordinates are all top–notch, and with

Aletta was flat.

with unprecedented seriousness, “Although the ‘Ray series‘ is not a product developed by me, since I have participated, I naturally

that when I put forward an opinion with good intentions, the other party doesn’t accept it, and it’s quite speechless to be so

are you

If she breaks the

temper. If

Aletta felt a little regretful.

if I have the time, I might as well do more work!

her aside to rest.

249 You Really Take

for a while, and the director came out of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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