Chapter 250

Not far away, Aletta and Lotus also saw it.

they saw Jason clearly, the two were surprised.

Unexpectedly, the president who manages everything every day will come to the shooting scene to watch the progress in person.

At that moment, the two also walked towards him, and before saying hello, they heard the director explaining to the general manager. “General manager, it’s not my fault, because the assistant next to Vice director Blake at the headquarters questioned the makeup, That’s what caused the progress to be stalled.”

After hearing this, the general manager frowned, ” Vice director Blake’s assistant?”

Aletta stood up without waiting for the director’s introduction, “He said it should be me.”

Jason and Eaton turned their heads when they heard her voice.

With a calm face, Aletta repeated it in an orderly manner, “The spokesperson’s makeup doesn’t match. I raised a little objection. The other party refused to change the makeup, so the shooting was delayed.”

Due to the presence of Jason by his side, the general manager’s face was ashen, and he scolded the director together, “What are you doing?!”

The director quickly explained, “General Manager, don’t listen to her nonsense, there is absolutely nothing wrong with makeup!”

“These things have been finalized before. Ruby, we arrived at the studio very early and put on makeup for two hours. Our attitude was very positive and we didn’t slow down work, but…”

He glanced at Aletta and complained, “This assistant has a big picture, and he said that he wanted Ruby to change her makeup as soon as she came up. This dispute may be delayed as time goes by.”

The general manager understood what was going on, looked at Aletta’s eyes, and was immediately dissatisfied.

Chapter 250

2001 Vouchers

A small assistant from the headquarters can also come here to play awe–inspiring!

The president finally came from the headquarters. He just swore that there would be no mistakes. Who knew, this would happen in a blink of an eye!

However, the general manager couldn’t say anything to Aletta in front of Jason.

He tried his best to maintain a calm expression, and said, “Since it has been finalized ‘before, let’s shoot according to the original one. You guys delayed the shooting for no

an assistant, what does

anything, the general manager’s words to the

frowned subconsciously, she didn’t like their way very much.

is finalized, can

general manager’s heart

to the

Group does not have such

wasted here because of you, don’t you have anything to

Aletta could make a sound, Ruby, who was not far away, interjected aggrievedly, “If she has anything

over one after another, and


came out only after hearing that the general manager was coming.

still, she took the initiative to bow her head to apologize. “I’m sorry, general manager, I have tried my best to cooperate with today’s shooting. I didn’t expect that it would be delayed because of

Chapter 250

288 Vouchers

Lotus couldn’t help

circle, who

manager also felt that

the future company, so it must be

immediately comforted, “It’s not your

Jason. “President, I’m sorry, I failed to supervise this matter properly, and I’ll let them start filming.”

and the director, who saw Jason just now.

appearance, but

of the general manager at this moment,

man… is actually the legendary CEO!

wonder the general manager

and they quickly greeted each other respectfully, “Hi, President!”

said. softly and gently,

Jason with a

long time that the president of Hill Group is elegant, handsome, and rich, but as usual, he

it today is simply

help but think, if she can get close to such a big name, she will have everything she wants in the entertainment circle

that the wind and the rain are called!

Chapter 250

258 Vouchers

she is very confident

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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