Chapter 276 Is daddy trying to please mommy?

After Aletta sat down, she put a bag in her hand on the table.

Jason asked her, “What did you bring?”

Aletta replied lightly, “Medicine.”

Jason nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

After a while, Shepard came over with a cup of tea.

“Miss Aletta, try it. The new tea brought in this spring, the taste and variety are all excellent. I remember you like it very much.”

Shepard said with a smile while pouring tea for the two of them.

The coffee was poured into the cup, and the rich aroma soon overflowed.

Aletta looked at the gentle and kind old man, with a warm heart, thanked him, “Thank you Shepard…‘

Although there are too many bad memories left here, Shepard’s good ones are very precious.

Moreover, because of this, the timidity in her heart suddenly dissipated a bit.

Shepard served good tea and stepped back.

Aletta took a sip, put it on the table, and then asked the two children, “Is there any discomfort in your body?”

Lyla sat on her mommy’s lap and said sweetly, “I had a little pain just now, but it will be gone soon.”


Aletta stared at her.

The little girl said in a childish voice, “This place…”

With her small hand, she pointed to a place on her abdomen, and she was so cute.

Aletta’s heart softened so much that she massaged her stomach.

Wait for the little girl to feel better before letting go.

Immediately, she asked her son. “What about you?”

Lucas shook his head and said, “I’m fine. After I got out of the hospital, I didn’t feel any discomfort.”

However, fearing that the disease would recur, Aletta checked both of them, and after confirming that there were no major problems, she was relieved.

it is normal to have occasional attacks. These days, pay attention to your diet

with confidence, “Yeah, with mommy here, I’m not afraid, I’m

the two children for a while, saw that the time was almost up, got up and said to Jason, “I’ll go to

took off his glasses, put them aside, and

eyebrows, glanced at him, and said, “You don’t need to

if he was pleased that she was

pause, even rolled up his sleeves and


looked at him

of the man have been rolled

“Is there any

Big problem!

haven’t been in

Don’t make trouble!

you haven’t entered before, it doesn’t mean you can’t enter. Besides, if you have something to do later and you can’t come here, someone can help them make

kindly. “So, you can tell me how to do it, I have learned

that he still had

man is

was barely satisfied in her heart, but

man has never touched the spring water with his ten fingers, is

entered the kitchen and began

herbal soup are mainly herbs, and they are very

and asked questions by the way, with


children’s health, of course we must pay attention to

two grams… This plant has a strong bitter taste, and children are more afraid of bitterness, so I need to add some rock sugar to

nature, but it has a strong detoxifying effect. It’s just that children’s stomachs are

Jason listened very carefully.

two children grabbed the door

she asked in a low

didn’t deny it, but his tone was

other, but Aletta and Jason in the room didn’t notice

that this man would not be able

Jason got started quite quickly, and his memory was good, so he recounted the process he

Nothing wrong!

food was

and continued to

“What to do?”

Jason couldn’t help asking.

to be free, so I made lunch

and took out the things to be used, “I’ll

was still standing there, she was not polite, and directly ordered, “Take it and wash it, and I will be in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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